NCC 2022 Volume One - Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 buildings
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Specification 11 Smoke-proof walls in health-care and residential care buildingsTo prescribe construction requirements for smoke-proof walls required by C3D6 in health-care and residential care buildings.
Specification 11 applies to smoke-proof walls in:
To prescribe construction requirements for smoke-proof walls required by C3D6 in Class 9a health-care buildings.
S11C2 applies to smoke-proof walls in Class 9a health-care buildings.
To prescribe construction requirements for smoke-proof walls required by C3D6 in Class 9c buildings.
S11C3 applies to smoke-proof walls in Class 9c buildings.
The purpose of the smoke-proof walls is to create a “smoke compartment” to stop or limit the spread of smoke to adjoining areas. It is therefore important that all penetrations of the walls and ceiling of the “smoke compartment” be sealed against the penetration of smoke. This includes any light fitting in the flush plasterboard ceiling referred to in S11C3(a)(iii).
A wall lining need only be applied to one side of the wall to achieve compliance with S11C3.