NCC 2022 Volume One - Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 buildings
Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c


Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c


Part F4 Sanitary and other facilities

Part F4 Sanitary and other facilities

SA F4D6 Accessible unisex sanitary compartments2019: Table F2.4a

Delete subclause F4D6(1) and insert SA F4D6(1) as follows:

(1) Where required by F4D5(a), the minimum number of accessible unisex sanitary compartments for each Class of building is as follows:

  1. For a Class 1b building—
    1. not less than 1; and
    2. where private accessible unisex sanitary compartments are provided for every accessible bedroom, common accessible unisex sanitary compartments need not be provided.
  2. For a Class 2 building—
    1. where sanitary compartments are provided in common areas, not less than 1; and
    2. in every sole-occupancy unit required by SA D4D2(4) to be accessible, not less than 1.
  3. For Class 3 and Class 9c buildings—
    1. in every accessible sole-occupancy unit provided with sanitary compartments within the accessible sole-occupancy unit, not less than 1; and
    2. at each bank of sanitary compartments containing male and female sanitary compartments provided in common areas, not less than 1.
  4. For Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 buildings except for within a ward area of a Class 9a health-care building, where F4D4 requires closet pans—
    1. 1 on every storey containing sanitary compartments; and
    2. where a storey has more than 1 bank of sanitary compartments containing male and female sanitary compartments, at not less than 50% of those banks.
  5. For a Class 10a building appurtenant to another Class of building, at each bank of sanitary compartments containing male and female sanitary compartments, not less than 1.

SA F4D7 Accessible unisex showers2019: Table F2.4b

Delete subclause F4D7(1) and insert SA F4D7(1) as follows:

(1) Where required by F4D5(b), the minimum number of accessible unisex showers for each Class of building is as follows:

  1. For a Class 1b building—
    1. not less than 1; and
    2. where private accessible unisex showers are provided for every accessible bedroom, common accessible unisex showers need not be provided.
  2. For a Class 2 building—
    1. where showers are provided in common areas, not less than 1; and
    2. in every sole-occupancy unit required by SA D4D2(4) to be accessible, not less than 1.
  3. For Class 3 and 9c buildings—
    1. in every accessible sole-occupancy unit provided with showers within the accessible sole-occupancy unit, not less than 1; and
    2. 1 for every 10 showers or part thereof provided in common areas.
  4. For Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 buildings, where F4D4 requires 1 or more showers, not less than 1 for every 10 showers or part thereof.
  5. For a Class 10a building, where showers are provided, 1 for every 10 showers or part thereof.