The National Construction Code (NCC) is updated every 3 years, based on required regulatory practices, industry research, public feedback and policy directions from governments between publishing cycles. The lifecycle of the NCC is continuous and at any point in time the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) will be at a stage in this cycle.
Lifecycle of the NCC
Stage 1 – Research, investigation and content development
The cycle begins with the ABCB considering changes to the NCC based on public feedback, industry research and trends, and ministerial policy direction. Suggestions can be submitted any time as a Proposal for Change (PFC). All major changes go through some form of impact analysis to help decision makers understand the costs, benefits and impact of the proposed change.
Stage 2 – Content confirmed
All proposed changes are presented to the ABCB’s Building Codes Committee and Plumbing Code Committee for technical review and consideration.
Stage 3 – Editing, drafting and publication
About halfway through the cycle, proposed changes are prepared as a draft for public consultation. This is known as a Public Comment Draft (PCD). The NCC PCD is endorsed by the Board before publication.
Stage 4 – Public comment
The PCD is the last opportunity in the NCC development process for public feedback. This stage is focused on seeking comment about the changes that have made it through earlier stages, rather than gathering new ideas for further change.
Stage 5 – Finalising changes
After we consider feedback from consultation, the Board receives the final draft of the NCC for endorsement. Building Ministers from the commonwealth and jurisdictions are responsible for providing final approval, and an official adoption date of the new NCC.
Stage 6 – Publishing
Prior to adoption, the ABCB publishes a preview of the new edition to allow users to familiarise themselves with the changes. We also prepare a wide range of information and education resources to help users understand these changes.
Stage 7 – Commencement
Once the new NCC is officially adopted, we start again on the next edition, and the 3-year-cycle recommences.

Download the Lifecycle of the NCC infographic.