Tas Part H113 Foundries
Tas H113.1 Application of Part
This Part is applicable to every building or premises in which foundry operations are undertaken.
Foundries must provide for the comfort and safety of workers on the premises.
Tas H113.2 General
Every floor in a foundry must be level and, in places other than where molten metal is poured, must be composed of concrete or similar material or wooden blocks.
Every part of a foundry must be not less than 4.2 m high—
where a ceiling is provided, measured from the floor to the ceiling; or
where a ceiling is not provided, measured from the floor to the lowest part of the roof.
Tas H113.3 Cupola charging platform
The floors of cupola charging platforms must be—
of heavy timber or non-slip steel plate; and
securely fixed in position; and
All parts of the cupola charging platform must be covered by a roof not less than 3 m above the platform.
A cupola charging platform must have—
a wall, not less than 1 m high, measured from the floor of the platform, constructed to surround the platform; and
the sides between the top of the wall and the roof suitably waterproofed and ventilated.
A properly constructed access stair or ramp must be provided to give access to every cupola charging platform and must comply with AS 1657.
Tas H113.4 Deep moulds and pits
Deep moulds or pits, for permanent use—
must be lined with bricks, concrete, or other suitable material in such a manner as to provide adequate reinforcement and to keep the pit or mould in a dry condition; and
must be securely fenced by means of a wall of adequate construction, railings or chains and stanchions raised, in each case, to a height not less than 1 m above the surface of the surrounding floor.
Tas H113.5 Pot furnaces
Where pot furnaces are below ground level, the pit must be covered by a substantial grating at the point at which metal is removed from the furnace, and must at all other points be securely fenced as in Tas H113.4(b).