Schedule 2 Abbreviations and symbols
Schedule 2 Abbreviations and symbols
Abbreviations and symbols used in the NCC include:
Abbreviation | Definition |
ABCB | Australian Building Codes Board |
AC | Alternating Current |
AS | Australian Standard |
ASET | Available Safe EgressTime |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
BCA | Building Code of Australia |
BE | Fire blocks evacuation route |
CCT | Correlated ColourTemperature |
CF | Challenging fire |
CHF | Critical Heat Flux |
CRF | Critical Radiant Flux |
CRI | Colour Rendering Index |
CS | Fire starts in a concealed space |
CSHGC | Constant for solar heat gain |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
CU | Constant for conductance |
DC | Direct Current |
FED | Fractional Effective Dose |
FI | Fire brigade intervention |
FRL | Fire Resistance Level |
GRP | Glass fibre reinforced polyester |
HRR | Heat Release Rate |
HS | Horizontal fire spread |
IS | Rapid fire spread involving internal surface linings |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
LED | Light-Emitting Diode |
MEPS | Minimum Energy Performance Standards |
NABERS | National Australian Built Environment Rating System |
NATA | National Association of Testing Authorities |
NatHERS | Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme |
NCC | National Construction Code |
PBDB | Performance-based design brief |
PCA | Plumbing Code of Australia |
PMV | Predicted Mean Vote |
ppm | Parts per million |
PVC | Polyvinyl chloride |
RC | Robustness check |
RSET | Required Safe EgressTime |
Rw | Weighted sound reduction index |
SF | Smouldering fire |
SHGC | Solar Heat Gain Coefficient |
SS | Structural stability and other property |
STC | Sound Transmission Class |
UF | Unexpected catastrophic failure |
UPVC | Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride |
UT | Fire in normally unoccupied room threatening occupants of other rooms |
U-Value | Thermal transmittance |
VS | Vertical fire spread involving external cladding or external openings |
Symbol | Definition |
° | degree(s) |
°C | degree(s) Celsius |
°CDB | degree(s) Celsius Dry Bulb |
°CWB | degree(s) Celsius Wet Bulb |
-e/MJ | equivalent per megajoule(s) |
μm | micrometre |
dB(A) | decibels “A” scale weighting network |
J | Joule(s) |
J/kg.K | Joules per kilogram degree Kelvin |
J/s.m2 | Joules per second square metre |
K | Kelvin(s) |
kg | kilogram(s) |
kg/m | kilogram(s) per metre |
kg/m2 | kilogram(s) per square metre |
kg/m3 | kilogram(s) per cubic metre |
kJ/m2.hour | kilojoules per square metre hour |
km | kilometre |
kPa | kilopascal(s) |
kW/m2 | kilowatt(s) per square metre |
kWheating | kilowatt(s) of heating |
kWr | kilowatt(s) of refrigeration |
L | litre(s) |
L/min | litre(s) per minute |
L/s | litre(s) per second |
L/s.m2 | litre(s) per second square metre |
Lumens/W | Lumens per Watt |
lx | lux |
m | metre(s) |
m/s | metre(s) per second |
m2 | square metre(s) |
m2.K/W | square metre Kelvin(s) per Watt |
m3 | cubic metre(s) |
m3/hour | cubic metre(s) per hour |
m3/s | cubic metre(s) per second |
mcd/m2 | millicandelas per square metre |
min | minute(s) |
MJ/hour | Megajoules per hour |
MJ/m2.annum | megajoule(s) per square metre per annum |
mm | millimetre(s) |
mm2 | square millimetre(s) |
MW | megawatt(s) |
N | newton(s) |
Pa | pascal(s) |
Pa/m | pascal(s) per metre |
s | second(s) |
V | Volt(s) |
W | Watt(s) |
Winput power | Watts of input power |
Wr/Winput power | Watts of thermal refrigeration per watt of input power |
W/kWrej | Watts per kilowatt of heat rejected |
W/m.K | Watts per metre degree Kelvin |
W/m2 | Watts per square metre |
°south | degree south |
% | percent |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
≤ | less than or equal to |
≥ | equal to or more than |