NCC 2019 Volume One
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Specification F2.9 Accessible adult change facilities

Specification F2.9 Accessible adult change facilities

1. Scope

This Specification contains the requirements for accessible adult change facilities.


The intent of this Specification is to prescribe how an accessible adult change facility is to be designed and the equipment, fixtures and fittings that must be included in each facility.

Specification F2.9 is based on the Changing Places Information Guide and Technical Standard (June 2017 edition), copies of which can be obtained from the Changing Places website at:

(Note: Changing Places is not in any way affiliated with, or endorsed by, the ABCB.)

2. General requirements


Each accessibleadult change facility must—


be constructed so that all required equipment and fixtures are contained within the same room; and


if it is a unisex facility, be located such that it can be entered without crossing an area reserved for one sex only.


In each accessibleadult change facility, the following must be provided:


A hoist complying with Clause 3.


A toilet pan, seat, backrest and grabrails complying with Clause 4.


A washbasin and tap complying with Clause 5.


Fixtures and fittings as specified in Clause 6.


A change table complying with Clause 7.


Changing rails complying with Clause 8.


An automated sliding entrance door complying with Clause 9.


Signage complying with Clause 10.


Operating instructions for the hoist and change table in accordance with Clause 11.


Circulation spaces complying with Figure 2.

Figure 2 Required circulation spaces
Diagram a. Turning space, each side of the pan and in front of the pan
Diagram b. Turning space and circulation space for a washbasin
Diagram c. Turning space and circulation space for changing rails

Notes to Figure 2:

  1. The Roman numerals shown in Figure 2 indicate the following required circulation spaces:
    1. Turning space: a full circle of 1125 mm radius.
    2. Each side of the pan: 900 mm (measured from each edge of the pan).
    3. In front of the pan: 2350 mm (measured from the wall behind the pan, and therefore includes the pan itself).
    4. For a washbasin: the width of the basin (450 mm) increasing to a width of 1350 mm measured at a distance of 750 mm out from the wall against which the washbasin is mounted then continuing at that width for a further 800 mm (to a total of 1550 mm out from the wall).
    5. For changing rails: the width of the rails increasing to a width of 1350 mm at a distance of 750 mm out from the wall to which the rails are fixed then continuing at that width for a further 800 mm (to a total of 1550 mm out from the wall).
  2. All required circulation spaces must extend for a minimum height of 2000 mm above finished floor level.
  3. Required circulation spaces may be overlapped.

The floor surface must have a slip resistance classification of not less than R10 or P3 when tested in accordance with AS 4586.

Clause 2(a)(i) calls up AS 1428.1 similar to F2.4(e) which applies to standard accessible unisex sanitary facilities.

Clause 2(a)(ii) refers to Clauses 3 to 8 to address features that are not covered by the Standard.

Clause 2(b) ensures that an accessible adult change facility is self-contained. This avoids the need for a person to leave the room to use other equipment such as a washbasin. This is similar to F2.4(d) which applies to standard accessible unisex sanitary facilities.

Clause 2(c) ensures that where the accessible adult change facility is a unisex facility, it is not located in a place reserved for only one sex. This is similar to F2.4(f) which applies to standard accessible unisex sanitary facilities.

The ceiling height of the room in which the facility is installed must also comply with Part F3.

3. Hoist

The hoist must—


provide a constant charge in-line room coverage hoist system (also known as an "XY" system or gantry) including 2 parallel fixed rails and a moving traverse rail; and


provide coverage over the entire room; and


have a maximum safe working load of not less than 180 kg; and


be capable of sustaining a static load of not less than 1.5 times the rated load; and


have a minimum lifting height of 2100 mm.

Clause 3(a) and (b) define the minimum capabilities of hoists.

Clause 3(c) prevents the use of mobile hoists, which can impede circulation spaces and are prone to being removed from the facility.

4. Toilet pan, seat, backrest and grabrails


The toilet pan must be of the centrally located ("peninsula-type") design.


The toilet pan must be installed so that—


the front edge of the pan is 800 mm (±10 mm) from the rear wall; and


the top of the seat is between 460 mm and 480 mm above finished floor level; and


there is a minimum clearance of 900 mm, measured horizontally, between each side of the pan and any adjacent wall or privacy screen.


The toilet seat must—


be of the full-round type (not open-fronted) with minimal contours to the top surface; and


be securely fixed in position when in use; and


have seat fixings that provide lateral stability to the seat when the seat is in use; and


be load-rated to 150 kg; and


have a minimum luminance contrast of 30% against the pan, wall and floor; and


remain in the fully upright position when raised.


Hand-operated flushing controls must—


be located on the centreline of the toilet, at a height of—


not less than 600 mm; and


not more than 1100 mm,

above finished floor level; and


not be located within the area required for any grabrails or backrest; and


have the button mounted so that it is proud of the wall surface, and activates the flushing operation before the button becomes level with the surrounding surface.


An automatically activated flushing system need not comply with the requirements of (d).


The backrest must—


be capable of withstanding a force, in any direction, of not less than 1100 N; and


have a minimum height, between the lower edge of the backrest and the top of the seat, of between 120 mm and 150 mm; and


have a vertical height, between the upper and lower edges of the backrest, of between 150 mm and 200 mm; and


have a width of between 350 mm and 400 mm; and


be positioned such that the face of the backrest achieves an angle of between 95°and 100° back from the seat, when the seat is in use.


Grabrails must be installed adjacent to each side of the pan and must be—


of the drop-down type; and


located such that—


the top of each rail is between 800 mm and 810 mm above finished floor level; and


the rails are between 750 mm and 770 mm apart, measured centre-to-centre, and equidistant to the centreline of the pan; and


at least 850 mm long; and


with a diameter of between 30 mm and 40 mm; and


securely fixed to withstand a force, in any direction, of not less than 1100 N; and


provided with a toilet paper dispenser on one side; and


capable of being lifted up or swung away when not in use, so as to allow unimpeded access to the toilet pan.

Clauses 4(a) and (b) provide the minimum specification for a change table. They are intended to ensure the table is safe and cannot be easily removed, that its height can be adjusted to suit an assistant's preferred working height and that it is suitable to be used by an adult.

Clause 4(c) prevents the change table from encroaching on a circulation space. This includes tables that are able to be folded away while not in use.

5. Washbasin and tap


The washbasin must be installed so that the rim of the basin is between 800 mm and 830 mm above finished floor level.


Exposed heated water supply pipes must be insulated or located so as not to pose a hazard.


Water supply or sanitary drainage pipes must not encroach on the space under the basin.


The washbasin must have an integrated shelf not less than 300 mm long.


Water taps must have a single lever flick-mixer handle or a sensor plate or the like.


Where lever handles are provided, they must be installed with a clear space of not less than 50 mm between the tap and any adjacent surface.


Heated water must be provided and temperature controlled in accordance with Part B2 of NCC Volume Three.

Clause 5 defines the minimum height and projection of sling hooks. Projection is specified because slings can require a larger hook than would be used for clothing. The sling hook must be additional to the clothing hook required by AS 1428.1.

6. Fixtures and fittings




A vertical mirror must be provided at the washbasin, with a reflective surface that—


is not less than 600 mm wide; and


has its bottom edge not more than 900 mm above finished floor level; and


has its top edge not less than 1850 mm above finished floor level.


If a second vertical mirror is provided in the facility, it must have a reflective surface that—


is not less than 600 mm wide; and


has its bottom edge not less than 600 mm above finished floor level; and


has its top edge not less than 1850 mm above finished floor level.


Towel dispensers, hand dryers and the like:

Towel dispensers, hand dryers, soap dispensers and the like must be operable using one hand, and must be installed with their output or operative components—


between 900 mm and 1100 mm above finished floor level; and


not less than 500 mm from any internal corner.


Soap dispenser:

A soap dispenser must be installed above the integrated shelf required by Clause 5(d).


Clothing hook:

A clothing hook must be installed so that it is located—


at a height of between 1200 mm and 1350 mm above finished floor level; and


adjacent to the washbasin; and


not less than 500 mm from any internal corner.


Sling hook:

A sling hook with a minimum projection of 50 mm from the wall must be installed beside the change table at a height of 1500 mm above finished floor level.

Explanatory information:

Explanatory information:

The purpose of the sling hook is to store the sling when it is not in use.


Disposal bins:


A sanitary disposal bin must be provided in the corner adjacent to the toilet pan.


An incontinence pad disposal bin must be provided in the corner adjacent to the change table.

Clause 6 requires the installation of wall-mounted rails to enable an individual to support themselves while they are being assisted with putting on or removing clothing.

7. Change table


The change table must be—


permanently installed, with one of the long edges up against a wall and with a retractable safety rail on the opposite side; and


motorised for the purposes of height adjustment; and


height adjustable between 450 mm and 900 mm above finished floor level; and


not less than 700 mm wide; and


not less than 1800 mm long.


The change table must have a maximum safe working load of not less than 180 kg, including when raising or lowering the table.


The change table must not encroach on any required circulation space.


A dispenser for sanitary wipes must be provided.


A shelf not less than 400 mm long and 150 mm wide must be provided.

8. Changing rails

Changing rails must be installed as two horizontal and parallel rails fixed to a wall, not less than 800 mm long, each with a diameter between 30 and 40 mm, and—


the lower rail must be installed between 800 mm and 810 mm above finished floor level; and


the upper rail must be installed between 1000 mm and 1010 mm above finished floor level; and


the rails must be able to withstand a force of not less than 1100 N in any direction.

9. Door and door controls

The entrance door and associated door controls must be automated and must comply with the following:


The threshold must incorporate a smooth transition without a step or lip.


The minimum clear opening width must be—


1100 mm in locations where beach wheelchairs are likely to be used; or


950 mm in all other locations.


The doorway must achieve a luminance contrast of at least 30% between—


Door leaf and door jamb; or


Door leaf and adjacent wall; or


Architraves (where used) and adjacent wall; or


Door leaf and architrave (where used); or


Door jamb and adjacent wall.


The operation of the door must be calibrated such that—


it has a gentle opening and closing movement; and


there is sufficient dwell time for a user to safely travel through the doorway.


The door must be fitted with a fail-safe opening mechanism that opens the door if an obstruction is detected during its closing movement.


Door controls must be located internally and externally—


between 900 mm and 1200 mm above finished floor level; and


not less than 500 mm from any internal corner.


Door control buttons must—


have a minimum diameter of 25 mm; and


be proud of the surrounding surface; and


activate the door operation before the button becomes level with the surrounding surface; and


be of a contrasting colour to the surrounding plate.


The surrounding plates of both internal and external door controls must include the words "Push to Open".


The following indicator lights must be provided:


"Occupied" and "Vacant" on the external plate.


"Locked" and "Unlocked" on the internal plate.


Braille and tactile signage complying with Specification D3.6 must identify the door controls.

10. Signage


External signage must incorporate—


the symbol shown in Figure 10; and


the words "Accessible Adult Change Facility".


The symbol required by (a)(i) must have a blue (B21, ultramarine) background with the hoist and table elements shown in white.


Signage must be braille and tactile signage complying with Specification D3.6.

Figure 10 Symbol

11. Operating instructions

Signage provided within the facility must include the following information for the hoist and change table:


Operating instructions.


Safe working load limits.