Schedule 3 Definitions
Insert definition for centre-based care class 4 facility as follows:
Centre-based care class 4 facility
is a facility as defined in Centre Based Care Class 4 Standards.
Insert definition for centre-based care class 5 facility as follows:
Centre-based care class 5 facility
is a facility as defined in Centre Based Care Class 5 Standards.
Vary the definition for early childhood centre as follows:
Early childhood centre means any premises or part thereof providing or intending to provide a centre-based education and care service within the meaning of the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (Vic), the Education and Care Services National Regulations and centre-based services that are licensed or approved under State and Territory children’s services law, but excludes—- education and care primarily provided to school aged children in outside school hours settings; and
- services licensed as centre-based care class 4 under the Child CareAct.
Insert definition for public as follows:
includes any person working in an enclosed public place.
Insert definition for Registered Testing Authority as follows:
Registered Testing Authoritymeans—
Insert definition for temporary structure as follows:
- an organisation registered by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) to test in the relevant field; or
- an organisation outside Australia registered by an authority recognised by NATA through a mutual recognition agreement.
Insert definition for School age care facility as follows:
School age care facilityis a facility providing care for children (primarily) 5 years or older in an outside of school hours setting, either approved or licenced under Education and Care Services National Law (Application) Act or the Child Care Act.
Temporary structureincludes any–
- booth, tent or other temporary enclosure, whether or not part of the booth, tent or enclosure is permanent; or
- temporary seating structure; or
- other structure prescribed under the Building Act.