walls above damp-proof courses provided the wall is protected at the top by a roof, eaves, coping, topping or the like.
General Purpose (GP) masonry units are suitable for use in all locations except those where ‘Exposure class’ (Exp) is required.
Exposure class (Exp) masonry units are suitable for use in all locations including severe local conditions such as—
below the damp-proof course in areas where walls are expected to be attacked by salts in the ground water or masonry itself (salt attack or salt damp); and
on sea fronts where walls are exposed to attack from salt spray; and
in heavily polluted areas subject to deposition of atmospheric pollution; and
under regular cyclic freeze and thaw conditions.
Explanatory information
The exposure classification or durability of a masonry unit is a measure of its resistance to attack by soluble salts, either in the ground or in the atmosphere. All masonry products manufactured are classified by their durability. The majority of uses will require either an Exposure class (Exp) product or a General Purpose (GP) product.
Mortar used for masonry construction must comply with AS 3700 or AS 4773 except that the mortar may be mixed by volume in the proportions stated in Table 5.6.3.
Table 5.6.3 Acceptable mortar mixes
Masonry unit exposure classification
Mortar mix by volume Note 1 Cement: lime: sand
General use
Suitable for concrete masonry Note 2
General purpose
Exposure class
Table Notes
Additives may be used provided they comply with the appropriate specified rate.
Mortar mixes for masonry require the use of methyl cellulose water thickener.
At both sides of the articulation joint within 300 mm from the joint
Engaged piers
Within 200 mm of the top of the pier
Table Notes
Ties to be embedded a minimum of 50 mm into each masonry leaf.
Masonry wall ties must be installed in such a manner as to prevent moisture travelling along the tie to the inner leaf of masonry or the frame.
Table 5.6.5d Corrosion protection for wall ties
Exposure condition
Tie specification (minimum corrosion protection)
Areas less than 1km from breaking surf; or less than 100 m from salt water not subject to breaking surf; or within heavy industrial areas.
Grade 316L stainless steel; or engineered polymer complying with the requirements of AS 2699.1.
Areas 1km or more but less than 10km from breaking surf; or 100m or more but less than 1km from salt water not subject to breaking surf.
Sheet steel and bar ties galvanised after manufacture - 470 g/m2 on each side; or galvanised wire ties - 470 g/m2 coating mass; or Grade 304L stainless steel.
All other areas
Galvanised sheet steel - 300 g/m2 coating on each side; or sheet steel ties galvanised after manufacture - 300 g/m2 on each side.
Figure 5.6.5a Wall tie details (lowset)
Figure 5.6.5b Wall tie details (highset)
Figure Notes
Where wall ties are required, they must be placed in adjacent courses (as shown) or must be placed in the same course on each side of the stud.
Explanatory information
Wall ties that are suitable for use in a more severe exposure condition are also suitable for use in less severe exposure conditions, i.e. stainless steel and engineered polymer ties are suitable for use in all conditions and 470g/m2 galvanised ties can be used in all exposure conditions except the most severe.
(1) Timber door and window frames abutting cavity masonry must be fixed with 300 mm long 30 mm x 0.8 mm kinked galvanised steel straps—
fixed to the back of frames; and
set into courses not less than 150 mm at not more than 400 mm intervals.
(2) For areas with a wind class of N1 or N2 and a building width from outside wall to outside wall of not more than 10 m in the direction of the roof span (see Figure 5.6.6a), sheet metal and tiled roofs must be tied down using one of the following methods:
30 mm x 0.8 mm galvanised steel straps at not more than 1.2 m centres and corresponding with truss or rafter positions, looped around 10 mm diameter galvanised mild steel rods—
built-in across the cavity at a course not less than 900 mm below the top of the wall; and
embedded not less than 50 mm into each leaf.
30 mm x 1 mm galvanised steel straps at not more than 1.2 m centres and corresponding with truss or rafter positions, built-in to masonry inner leaf not less than 50 mm and at a course not less than 900 mm below the top of the wall (see Figure 5.6.6b).
a built-in 30 mm x 0.8 mm galvanised steel strap fixed to the roof structure that extends the full height of the engaged pier or return wall; and
a 4.6 grade M12 galvanised steel rod which is cast into the footing when poured and looped and fixed around the galvanised steel strap required by (a) (see Figure 5.6.6c).
a built-in 30 mm x 0.8 mm galvanised steel strap fixed to the roof structure extending the full height of the engaged pier or return wall which is looped and fixed around a 4.6 grade 16 mm diameter galvanised steel rod cast into the footing when poured; or
a 4.6 grade M16 galvanised steel rod cast into the footing, threaded at the top and extending the full height of the pier or return wall to connect to the roof structure.
Figure 5.6.6a Building width
Figure 5.6.6b Suitable tie-down strap details for cavity masonry
Figure 5.6.6c Typical tie-down to single leaf unreinforced masonry
Explanatory information
Roof tie-down over openings more than 1200 mm wide in masonry construction must be specifically designed in accordance with relevant material and structural design standards.
be installed with the long leg of lintel angle vertical; and
be wide enough so that the masonry does not overhang the horizontal leg of the lintel by more than 25 mm; and
not support masonry more than 3 m in height when measured above the opening; and
have a minimum bearing length at each end of the lintel of—
for clear spans not more than 1 m - 100 mm; or
for clear spans more than 1 m - 150 mm (See Figure 5.6.7); and
have a minimum of three courses of masonry over openings; and
comply with the corrosion protection requirements of Table 5.6.7b.
Table 5.6.7a Masonry lintel sizes
Maximum clear span of lintel (mm): ≤ 600 mm of masonry over opening
Maximum clear span of lintel (mm): > 600 mm of masonry over opening
Flat 75 x 8
Flat 100 x 10
Angle 90 x 90 x 6EA
Angle 90 x 90 x 8EA
Angle 100 x 100 x 6EA
Angle 100 x 100 x 8EA
Angle 150 x 90 x 8UA
Table Notes
The lintels described in this Table must be not less than grade 300 MPa in accordance with AS 4100.
Table 5.6.7b Corrosion protection – Lintels
Durability class of lintel in accordance with AS 2699.3 Note 1
Material or protective requirements in accordance with AS 2699.3 Note 1
R1, R2
Hot dip galvanised with a minimum average coating thickness of 300 g/m2; or stainless steel 316L
Hot dip galvanised with a minimum average coating thickness of 600 g/m2; or stainless steel 316L
Stainless steel 316L
Table Notes
AS 2699.3 contains information on the corrosivity category locations in Australia and provides a method for determining coating thickness for lintels.
Additional decorative coatings can be applied, but must not be considered for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of this Table.
Any lintel with a coating that is modified, i.e. by cutting, welding, or where damaged, must have the coating restored to provide an equivalent level of protection provided by the original coating.
(1) Vertical articulation joints must be provided in masonry walls in accordance with (2), except in walls constructed on sites where the soil classification is A or S (see 4.2.2).
(2) Articulation joints between masonry elements must have a width of not less than 10 mm and be provided (see Figures 5.6.8a and 5.6.8b)—
in straight, continuous walls with openings less than 900 mm x 900 mm or walls without openings — at not more than 6 m centres and within 4.5 m, but not closer than 470 mm of all corners; and
in straight, continuous walls with openings more than 900 mm x 900 mm — at not more than 5 m centres and located so that they are not more than 1.2 m away from openings; and
where the height of the wall changes by more than 20% — at the position of change in height; and
where a wall changes in thickness; and
at control or construction joints in footings or slabs; and
at junctions of walls constructed of different masonry materials.
(3) Articulation joints must not be located adjacent to arched openings.
(4) Articulation joints must be filled with flexible sealant that is supported during installation by—