Section D Access and egress
Tas DP10
A building or part of a building must be accessible in accordance with the requirements of a Standard made under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth).
D3.0 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
Where a Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions is proposed, Performance RequirementsDP1 to DP6, DP8, DP9 and Tas DP10 are satisfied by complying with—
D1.1 to D1.16, D2.1 to D2.25, D3.1 to D3.12, and Tas D3.13; and
additional requirements for Class 9b buildings, Part H1; and
for public transport buildings, Part H2.
Where a Performance Solution is proposed, the relevant Performance Requirements must be determined in accordance with A2.2(3) and A2.4(3) as applicable.
Tas D3.4 Exemptions
The Class 2 parts of a building where—
the building is an existing building with a rise in storeys of two; and
the storey at ground level is Class 5 or 6; and
the upper storey is comprised of two or more Class 2 sole-occupancy units that are not made available for short-term rental.
Tas D3.13 Compliance with Premises Standards
A building solution must comply with the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards.
A building solution complies with Tas D3.0(a) if it complies with the applications, exceptions and concessions in the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards.