NCC 2019 Volume One Amendment 1
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Part G6 Occupiable outdoor areas

Part G6 Occupiable outdoor areas



Part G6 contains Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions additional to those contained in Section C, D, E, F and G for occupiable outdoor areas.

G6.1 Application of Part


The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of this Part apply to buildings containing an occupiable outdoor area in addition to the other Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the BCA.


The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of this Part take precedence where there is a difference to the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Sections C, D, E, F and G.


Except for G6.2, the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of this Part do not apply to—


an occupiable outdoor area of a sole-occupancy unit in a Class 2 or 3 building, Class 9c building or Class 4 part of a building; or


an occupiable outdoor area with an area less than 10m2.

The Objectives and Functional Statements for Part G6 are contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G of this Guide. The Performance Requirements for Part G6 are contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G. Part G6 contains Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for occupiable outdoor areas in addition to those contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G.

A number of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in Part G6 qualify the application of the corresponding Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G which are considered necessary for occupiable outdoor areas.

Specific comments regarding Specification C1.1 (fire-resisting construction provisions) and Specification E2.2a (smoke hazard management provisions) are found in those sections of this Guide.

The Objectives and Functional Statements for Part G6 are contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G of this Guide. The Performance Requirements for Part G6 are contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G. Part G6 contains Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for occupiable outdoor areas in addition to those contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G.

A number of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in Part G6 qualify the application of the corresponding Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G which are considered necessary for occupiable outdoor areas.

Specific comments regarding Specification C1.1 (fire-resisting construction provisions) and Specification E2.2a (smoke hazard management provisions) are found in those sections of this Guide.

The Objectives and Functional Statements for Part G6 are contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G of this Guide. The Performance Requirements for Part G6 are contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G. Part G6 contains Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for occupiable outdoor areas in addition to those contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G.

A number of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in Part G6 qualify the application of the corresponding Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions contained in Sections C, D, E, F and G which are considered necessary for occupiable outdoor areas.

Specific comments regarding Specification C1.1 (fire-resisting construction provisions) and Specification E2.2a (smoke hazard management provisions) are found in those sections of this Guide.


To clarify that Part G6 applies only to buildings containing an occupiable outdoor area and its provisions override Sections C, D, E, F and G of the BCA if there is a difference.

G6.1(a) indicates that the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part G6 apply to buildings containing an occupiable outdoor area. These provisions are additional to other Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the BCA that apply to occupiable outdoor areas, for example the relevant provisions of Part D3 relating to access for people with a disability.

G6.1(b) provides a rule for resolving inconsistencies between the requirements in Part G6 and those in the remainder of the BCA, by providing that the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part G6 take precedence where there is a difference.

G6.1(c) requires that certain provisions are not applied to private residential balconies or smaller balconies found in commercial buildings.

G6.2 Fire hazard properties


Subject to (b), a lining, material or assembly in an occupiable outdoor area must comply with C1.10 as for an internal element.


The following fire hazard properties of a lining, material or assembly in an occupiable outdoor area are not required to comply with C1.10:


To specify fire hazard property requirements for an occupiable outdoor area.

G6.2 is included to ensure that materials and assemblies in occupiable outdoor areas restrict the spread of fire and heat to maintain tenability to permit egress. As a result, the fire hazard properties relating to flammability and flame propagation apply to occupiable outdoor spaces.

A concession has been applied to the smoke hazard management requirements of C1.10 because occupiable outdoor spaces, being unenclosed, are unlikely to be affected by a build-up of smoke.

G6.3 Fire separation

For the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of C2.7, C2.8 and C2.9, a reference to a storey includes an occupiable outdoor area, however a fire wall cannot be used to separate an occupiable outdoor area into different fire compartments.


To specify fire-resistance and separation requirements for an occupiable outdoor area.

An occupiable outdoor area may have a different classification to other parts of the building located alongside it or on an adjacent level. Further, an occupiable outdoor area may be fire-separated from other parts of a building. G6.3 therefore applies the requirements of C2.7, C2.8 and C2.9 to occupiable outdoor areas.

G6.4 Provision for escape

For the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part D1, a reference to a storey or room includes an occupiable outdoor area.


To specify requirements to allow occupants to escape from an occupiable outdoor area in the event of an emergency.

G6.4 is included to ensure that requirements which allow occupants to escape are applied to occupiable outdoor areas as for an internal, occupied part of the building. G6.4 in addition clarifies that a reference to a storey or room includes an occupiable outdoor area. This may require the inclusion of a fire-isolated exit stair for a building that would otherwise not require one if it did not have a rooftop occupiable outdoor area.

This is in recognition that occupants of an occupiable outdoor area are constrained by the building, and therefore require a means of evacuation in an emergency.

Consequently, the provisions from Part D1 as applied under G6.4 are considered the minimum necessary to enable safe egress.

G6.5 Construction of exits

For the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part D2, a reference to a storey or room includes an occupiable outdoor area.


To specify requirements for the construction of exits in an occupiable outdoor area.

G6.5 is included to ensure that requirements for the construction of exits are applied to an occupiable outdoor area and clarifies that a reference to a storey or room (for example, as found in D2.21(c)) includes an occupiable outdoor area.

G6.6 Fire fighting equipment

Except for Clause 7(b)(i) of Specification E1.5, for the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part E1, a reference to a storey includes an occupiable outdoor area.



An occupiable outdoor area is not a storey for the purposes of Schedule 3 of the NCC and therefore is not included in the determination of rise in storeys.


To specify requirements for fire fighting equipment in an occupiable outdoor area.

G6.6 outlines the appropriate requirements for fire fighting equipment for an occupiable outdoor area and clarifies that a reference to a storey includes an occupiable outdoor area. This is in recognition that an occupiable outdoor area is considered to represent a level of hazard that justifies the installation of fire fighting equipment.

G6.6 contains an exclusion for Clause 7(b)(i) of Specification E1.5 to enable a building containing an occupiable outdoor area at its roof level to have a storage tank for a sprinkler system located in the level below.

G6.7 Lift installations

For the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part E3, a reference to a storey includes an occupiable outdoor area.


To specify requirements for lift installations in an occupiable outdoor area.

G6.7 outlines that an occupiable outdoor area is considered as a storey for the purposes of Part E3.

This requirement ensures, among other things, that where an emergency lift is installed it serves an occupiable outdoor area.

G6.8 Visibility in an emergency, exit signs and warning systems

For the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part E4, a reference to a storey includes an occupiable outdoor area.


To specify requirements to minimise the risk of death or injury to occupants during an emergency because of—

  • an inability to see their way along an exit path of travel; and
  • an inability to find an exit; and
  • a lack of knowledge that an emergency exists or an evacuation is required.

The effect of G6.8 is to apply the requirements of Part E4 to occupiable outdoor areas as for an internal, occupied part of the building.

Consequently, the provisions from Part E4 as applied under G6.8 are considered the minimum necessary to enable safe evacuation of occupants in case of an emergency.

G6.9 Light and ventilation

For the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of F4.4, F4.8 and F4.9, a reference to a room includes an occupiable outdoor area.


To specify requirements for light and ventilation in an occupiable outdoor area.

There are a wide variety of occupiable outdoor areas. G6.9 is provided in recognition that various occupiable outdoor areas may have periods of occupation that require the provision of artificial lighting.

In addition, G6.9applies the restrictions for sanitary facilities found in F4.8 and F4.9 to those directly adjoining occupiable outdoor areas.

G6.10 Fire orders

For the purposes of the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of G4.9, a reference to a storey includes an occupiable outdoor area.


To enable occupants to evacuate an occupiable outdoor area in an alpine area in an emergency without being impeded by lack of knowledge of the fire safety system, egress routes or evacuation procedures.

G6.10 ensures that an occupiable outdoor area is considered as a storey for the purposes of G4.9. Where a building is located in an alpine area and contains an occupiable outdoor area, it is important that the fire orders are displayed in a suitable location.