Specification E3.1 Lift installations
1. Scope
This Specification contains requirements for electric passenger lift installations and electrohydraulic passenger lift installations.
2. Lift cars exposed to solar radiation
A lift car exposed to solar radiation directly, or indirectly by re-radiation, must have—
mechanical ventilation at a rate of one air change per minute; or
mechanical cooling.
A 2 hour alternative power source for ventilation or mechanical cooling at (a) must be provided in the event of normal power loss.
To specify the ventilation requirements for a lift car exposed to solar radiation
A lift car may be on the outside of the building in which case it will be exposed to direct solar radiation at some time of the year. However, it may also be in a shaft and in some situations that may be a metal shaft. In this case the sun heats the metal and the metal, in turn, re-radiates the heat to the lift.
An alternate power supply means an alternate source of power to the primary source, in order to enhance the reliability of a system. It may be from a battery bank, from a second power grid connection or from a site generator.
3. Lift car emergency lighting
A lift car must have an emergency lighting system designed—
to come on automatically upon failure of the normal lighting supply; and
to provide at least 20 lux of lighting for 2 hours on the alarm initiation button.
4. Cooling of lift shaft
While a lift in a lift shaft is in service, the cooling of the lift shaft must—
ensure that the dry bulb air temperature in the lift shaft does not exceed 40°C; and
if the cooling is by a ventilation system, be provided with an air change rate determined using a temperature rise of no more than 5 K.
5. Lift foyer access
Where there is a security foyer in a building, access may be via locked security doors provided—
security doors revert to the unlocked state in the event of—
power failure; or
fire alarm; and
locked foyer areas are monitored by closed circuit television and intercom system to a 24 hour staffed location.
6. Emergency access doors in a single enclosed lift shaft
Where a lift is installed in a single enclosed lift shaft having a distance between normal landing entrances greater than 12.2 m, emergency access doors must be provided and constructed as follows:
The clear opening size of emergency doors must be not less than 600 mm wide x 980 mm high.
Hinged doors must not open towards the interior of the lift shaft.
Doors must be self-closing and self-locking.
Doors must be marked on the landing side with the letters not less than 35 mm high:
Doors from the landing side must only be openable by a tool.
Each emergency door must be provided with a positive breaking electrical contact, wired into the control circuit to prevent movement of the lift until the emergency door is both closed and locked.
In single enclosed lift shafts where—
ropes are installed; and
the vertical distance between the lift car sill and the landing door head is less than 600 mm; and
the counterweight is resting on its fully compressed buffer,
emergency egress from the lift car must be provided in the form of an interlocked door with clear opening dimensions not less than 600 mm x 600 mm, accessible from the lift car entrance or the lift car roof (where the door is located in the wall of the lift shaft).