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NCC 2022 Volume Three - Plumbing Code of Australia
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Part C1 Sanitary plumbing systems
Part C1 Sanitary plumbing systems
Introduction to this Part
This Part sets out the requirements for any part of a sanitary plumbing system of a property including from sanitary fixtures and appliances from the point of connection to a sanitary drainage system.
2019: CO1
The Objective of this Part is to—
safeguard people from illness, injury or loss (including loss of amenity) due to the failure of a sanitary plumbing installation; and
ensure that a sanitary plumbing installation is suitable; and
conserve water and energy; and
safeguard the environment; and
safeguard public and private infrastructure; and
ensure that a sanitary plumbing installation is designed and is capable of being maintained so that throughout its serviceable life it will continue to satisfy Objectives (a) to (e).
Sanitary fixtures and sanitary appliances must be provided with an adequate disposal system that does not impact adversely on the occupants of the premises, property, the environment or the Network Utility Operator’s infrastructure.
Where a non-flushing (waterless) urinal is to be installed to a sanitary plumbing system comprising copper, copper alloy or other metallic piping, undiluted discharge transported through such pipework may increase the likelihood of corrosion.
Practitioners should also be aware that undiluted discharge, transported through pipework of any material, can cause a build-up of struvite (ammonium magnesium phosphate) inside the pipework, potentially causing blockage within the sanitary plumbing system.
A sanitary plumbing system must ensure that ventilation is provided to avoid hydraulic load imbalance such that—
there is less than a 1% likelihood during the annual peak hour that when any fixture discharges, air pressure at any trap seal exceeds ±375 Pa difference from atmospheric pressure; or
an equivalent level of safety to human health is achieved as a system complying to (a).
C1P5 Ventilation does not apply to vacuum drainage systems.
entry of water, sewerage and sullage from the system into buildings; and
entry of foul gases from the system into buildings, such that—
at pressures of up to ±375 Pa, water trap seals will not be reduced to depths less than 70 mm for trap seals in pressurised rooms and 25 mm for all other applications; or
an equivalent level of safety to human health is achieved as a system complying to (i); and
entry of surface water, subsurface water and stormwater into the system.
Determination of sanitary plumbing wastewater flowrates
New for 2022
(1) Compliance with C1P3 for pipe sizing is verified for each sanitary plumbing pipework section when the discharge flowrate is not less than the greater of—
the probable simultaneous wastewater flowrate calculated in accordance with (2); or
the Discharge Unit (DU) value of the highest fixture connected upstream of the pipework section as given in Table C1V1b, in litres per second.
(2) For the purposes of (1)(a), for each pipework section, the design probable simultaneous wastewater flowrate must be calculated in accordance with the following:
(3) In the equation shown at (2)—
= the probable simultaneous wastewater flowrate for that pipework section (l/s); and
= the sum of any other wastewater flowrates such as pumped discharges (l/s); and
= the frequency factor given in Table C1V1a (dimensionless); and
= the sum of the discharge units as given in Table C1V1b, connected upstream of that pipework section (dimensionless).
Table C1V1a Frequency factors
Fixture usage
NCC building classes
Frequency factor (K)
Intermittent use e.g. dwelling, guesthouse or office
The maximum number of bends permitted is measured from the fixture trap weir to the connection to the stack, excluding the first bend after the trap weir.
The maximum pipe length is measured from the fixture trap weir to the connection to the stack.
A slab urinal must not cater for more than 7 people. Additional waste outlets may be required for longer urinals.
Where a water closet is connected, sweep or 45º junctions must be used to connect to the stack.
Bottle and resealing traps are not permitted for food waste disposal units or sanitary napkin disposal units.
A sanitary plumbing system must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.2 subject to the following:
For Class 1 buildings, substitute Clause as follows: New installations: Where a junction is used to make the connection of a DN 100 branch pipe to another DN 100 pipe, the entry level of the branch pipe shall be elevated at an incline of not less than 15° above the horizontal. Where the 15° requirement cannot be achieved, the incline must be as close as possible to 15° to avoid stranding. Where a fixture is connected to a graded discharge pipe, the installation shall also be in accordance with Clause
After clause 13.9(b), delete the following: Where a bath trap is not accessible, the bath shall discharge untrapped to a floor waste gully (FWG) in accordance with Table and Appendix B.
After clause 15.1, insert clause 15.1A as follows: When tested, the respective sections of any soil pipe, waste pipe, vent pipe or above-ground drain must be free of leaks when subjected to an air test in accordance with clause 15.3.
Substitute clause 15.3.3 as follows: When tested, the respective sections of any soil pipe, waste pipe, vent pipe or above ground drain must be free of leaks when subjected to an air test in accordance with clause 15.3.2 over the minimum test duration specified in Table 15.3.2.
NCC Title
General requirements
NCC State
NCC Variation Type
NCC SPTC Current
General requirements
NCC Blurbs
A sanitary plumbing system must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.2 with the following variations:
After AS/NZS 3500.2 clause 3.9.1 (g) insert (h) and (i) as follows: (h) at the downstream end of a trade waste arrestor close to the outlet; and (i) at the upstream end of a trade waste drain connected to a trade waste arrestor and fitted with a wind driven turbine ventilator at the termination.
After AS/NZS 3500.2 clause (e) add (f) and (g) as follows: (f) where required by Clause 3.9.1 (h) the downstream vent on any trade waste drain shall not be less than DN80; and (g) where required by Clause 3.9.1 (g) the upstream vent on a trade waste drain shall not be less than DN80.
After AS/NZS 3500.2 clause 4.7.1(h), insert clause 4.7.1(i) as follows: Inspection openings indicated in 4.7.1(b), (d) (e) and (f) shall be raised to finished surface level. All other inspection openings need not be raised provided they are not below paved, concreted or similar finished surfaces.
Substitute AS/NZS 3500.2 clause 2.3(a) as follows: Bends in pipes shall have a throat radius complying with Table 5.6 and Figure B6 of AS/NZS 1260 (2017) and shall be free from wrinkling and flattening.
After AS/NZS 3500.2 clause 12.7(g), insert clause 12.7(h) as follows: Buried pumped discharge pipes and rising mains shall be placed in close-fitting durable sleeving or continually spirally wrapped. The sleeving or spiral wrapping shall be identified for the full length with the following statement: "sewer rising main" or "pumped discharge pipe" in accordance with AS 1345.
After AS/NZS 3500.2 clause 12.7(h), insert clause 12.7(i) as follows: Above ground pumped discharge pipes and rising mains shall be permanently identified with the following statement: "sewer rising main" or "pumped discharge pipe" in accordance with AS 1345. The statement shall be installed in a visible position running longitudinally, at no more than 3 metre intervals.
After AS/NZS 3500.2 clause 13.27.2, insert clause 13.28 as follows: All trade waste pre-treatment equipment shall connect to the sewerage system via a disconnector gully.
NCC Title
General requirements
NCC State
NCC Variation Type
NCC SPTC Current
General requirements
A sanitary plumbing system must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.2.
NCC Volumes One and Two deal with a number of areas of on-site construction which are relevant to sanitary plumbing services. These include, but are not limited to, those listed in Table C1.
Table C1 Cross-volume considerations
NCC Volume One Class 2 to 9 buildings
NCC Volume Two Class 1 and 10 buildings
Termite management for attachments to buildings and penetrations through a slab