NCC 2022 Volume Three - Plumbing Code of Australia
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Part B5 Cross-connection controlPart B5 Cross-connection control
This Part sets out cross-connection hazards and corresponding Hazard Ratings.
2019: BO5
The Objective of this Part is to—
Functional Statements
Design and installation
2019: BF5
Water services must be designed and installed so as to operate in a way that avoids the likelihood of contamination of any part of the drinking water supply, and minimises any adverse impact on building occupants, the Network Utility Operator’s infrastructure, property and the environment.
Performance Requirements
Contamination control
2019: BP5.1
Water services must be designed, constructed and installed to avoid contamination.
B5P1 applies to cold water, heated water, non-drinking water and fire-fighting water services.
Verification Methods
Determination of individual and zone hazard ratings
New for 2022
Site condition | Common examples | Notes | Score |
The property to which the water service is installed contains a Class 1, 2, 7a, or 10 building where not more than 12 people reside. | Domestic residences and carparks with no associated activities. | Building may use small amounts of cleaning products, etc. | 1 |
The property to which the water service is installed contains a Class 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7b building where chemical products are not stored. | Hostel, hotel and multi-level office. | Building is likely to have greater than 12 residents and/or occupants, and may contain moderate amounts of cleaning or commercial chemicals. | 2 |
The property to which the water service is installed contains a Class 7b, 8 or 9 building where chemical products are stored. | Mechanical workshop, metal finisher, cleaning product wholesaler. | May contain large amounts of hazardous or toxic commercial chemicals. | 3 |
Site condition | Common examples | Notes | Score |
There is only a drinking water supply and no other water sources to the property. | The drinking water source may be a rainwater tank connected to a detached dwelling. | Residential rainwater tanks are considered drinking water. | 0 |
There is one drinking water supply and potentially other non-drinking water supplies or a separate fire-fighting water service available to the property (not applicable if the non-drinking water supply is Network Utility Operator provided recycled water with a sewerage source). | Network Utility Operatordrinking water supply and a separate fire water service. | Network Utility Operator supplied recycled water with a sewerage source is assessed separately due to greater health risks. | 3 |
Commercial agriculture, farming, turf irrigation, industrial, processing or chemical industries. The property is supplied with drinking water and non-drinking water from multiple sources with potential for health related contamination. | Property has a Network Utility Operator drinking water source and an on-site wastewater effluent irrigation system, process water or bore water source. | Increased potential for cross-connection between drinking water and non-drinking water with high consequences such as chemicals, recycled sewerage, medical or biological contaminants. | 5 |
Site condition | Common examples | Notes | Score |
Drinking water use will not involve commercial use of hazardous or toxic substances and the site is unsuitable for their use and unlikely to change. | Domestic residences, offices and restaurants. | Minor use of cleaning and other chemicals is permitted. Professional or commercial hazardous chemical use is not permitted. | 1 |
Drinking water will be used with commercial use hazardous substances, but not Schedule 1 to 4 or Schedule 6 to 8 poisons. Drinking water may be used with commercial use hazardous substances without major modification. | Butchers, hairdressers. | Hazardous substances and scheduled poisons have applicable warning labels. Cleaning of floors and benches with chlorine solution puts butchers into this category. | 2 |
Drinking water use may involve large scale food or beverage processing, human or animal biological or faecal matter, Schedule 1 to 4 and Schedule 6 to 8 poisons and have potential for contamination. The installation is suitable for these uses without major modification. Also included are areas likely to undergo frequent changes of use or where the future use in unknown. | Chemical packaging facilities, hospital facilities, pan washing apparatus, fertiliser injection systems, chemical dispensers (high toxicity), food preparation fixtures with clean in place systems, industrial shed complexes and light commercial properties. | Wash down of spills puts chemicals packaging / storage into this category even if liquid batching and storage is not practised. Also applies where there is no certainty about the type of activities to be practiced and the materials used. | 3 |
Site condition | Common examples | Notes | Score |
The product or installation presents no possibility of cross-connection to food, drink or water or other liquid vessels other than those used for domestic purposes. | Residential units and offices. | There are no water storage tanks, swimming pools, spas or commercial kitchens on site or able to be installed. | 0 |
The product or installation presents a potential for a cross-connection between a drinking water service and a commercial food, drink or water or other liquid vessel, or any vessel intended for low hazard chemicals. | Small scale food processing facilities. | Potential backflow from low volume of non-hazardous substances. Non-hazardous chemicals are any substances not required to display a hazardous substance label. | 1 |
The product or installation presents a potential for a cross-connection between a drinking water service and a non-drinking water service. | Drinking water outlets within close proximity to an alternative water source such as a Network Utility Operator drinking water supply, bore or irrigation system. | Potential connection of a drinking water system and a system identified with a Low Hazard. | 2 |
The product or installation presents a potential for cross-connection between the drinking water service and a swimming pool, water storage tank used for commercial purposes, large scale food and drink processing operations, a vessel, pipe or body of liquid containing a hazardous substance or Schedule 5 poison, recycled water service with biological matter or faecal contamination. | Building header tanks, commercial swimming pool make up water connections, soft drink manufacturers. | Potential connection of a drinking water system and a system containing an hazardous substance or low toxicity poison or large quantities of food or drink product. Hazardous chemicals are any substances required to display a hazardous substance label. | 3 |
The product or installation presents the potential for cross-connection between the drinking water service and a bulk water service vessel containing a hazardous substance or Schedule 5 poison. | Chemical make-up water connected to a chemical batching process. | Any potential connection to a system containing large volumes of hazardous material or moderately poisonous material. | 4 |
The product or installation has potential for a cross-connection to a sewerage source, a trade waste source, a vessel with human or animal biological or faecal matter, a vessel pipe or body of liquid containing any quantity of a Schedule 1 to 4 or Schedule 6 to 8 poison. | Recycled water irrigation system with drinking water back up supply. | Applies to potential connections with a high health risk. | 5 |
Site condition | Common examples | Notes | Score |
The product or installation presents a cross-connection that will only affect 1 small property (fewer than 10 people). | Domestic residences | Small site where a cross-connection will affect the drinking water to fewer than 10 people. | 1 |
The product or installation presents a cross-connection that will affect a moderate size property or multiple small sites within the same property (fewer than 100 people). | Cafes or small restaurants on a single title property. | Cross-connection will potentially affect drinking water to fewer than 100 people. | 2 |
The product or installation presents a cross-connection that will affect a large property or could allow contaminants to enter other properties. | Tenancies within a shopping complex, connected via water meters without Containment protection. | Cross-connection will affect drinking water to 100 people or greater. Consideration is needed as to whether water meters may not have suitable backflow protection or may not be adequate to mitigate the risk. | 3 |
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
2019: B5.1
Drinking water service
2019: B5.2
Non-drinking water service
2019: B5.3
A ‘separate non-drinking water service’ means one which draws water from a different source. For example, on a site connected to both recycled water and bore water, both may be considered non-drinking water services, but are drawn from different sources. Therefore, each would be a ‘separate non-drinking water service’.
Fire-fighting water service
2019: B5.4
Each fire-fighting water service must—
Unprotected water service
New for 2022
Water downstream of a backflow prevention device protected by individual protection or zone protection is considered to be an unprotected water service.
New for 2022
Protection of drinking water services from rainwater must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.1(2018) Clause 16.4 and Table 16.4 with the additions;
Drinking water and non-drinking water must:
B5D6 applies to scenarios not covered by S41C6(1)(b).
Protection of drinking water services from rainwater must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.1 (2018) Clause 16.4 and Table 16.4.
B5D6 applies to scenarios not covered by S41C6(1)(b).
Water systems permanently attached to cooling towers backflow prevention shall be positioned so that—
See NSW Figure B5D7 for typical cooling tower connections.
Note 1.
Refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 Part 1 Table
Cooling tower water service