NCC 2016 Volume One
Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c


Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c
Footnote: Other Legislation Affecting Buildings

Footnote: Other Legislation Affecting Buildings

In addition to any applicable provisions of the Building Act 1993, Building Regulations 2006 and this Code, there are a number of other legislative technical requirements affecting the design, construction and/or performance of buildings that practitioners may need to be aware of, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following list. Additional legislative instruments such as regulations, codes and standards may exist under the legislation listed.

1. Abattoirs and Knackeries


Administering Agency

Department of Environment and Primary Industries

Relevant Legislation

Meat Industry Act 1993

2. Accommodation – Residential (Boarding Houses, Guest Houses, Hostels, Motels)


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services

Consumer Affairs Victoria

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008

Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009

Residential Tenancies Act 1997

Residential Tenancies (Rooming House Standards) Regulations 2012

3. Accommodation - Supported Residential Services


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services

Relevant Legislation

Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010

Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Regulations 2012

4. Alpine Resorts


Administering Agency

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Alpine Resorts Management Boards

Relevant Legislation

Alpine Resorts (Management) Act 1997

5. Asbestos Removal


Administering Agency

Victorian WorkCover Authority

Environment Protection Authority

Relevant Legislation

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

Environment Protection Act 1970

6. Children's Services


Administering Agency

Department of Education and Training

Relevant Legislation

Children's Services Act 1996

Children's Services Regulations 2009

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Regulations

7. Crematoria, Mausolea, Vaults, etc.


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services, Cemeteries and Crematoria Regulation Unit

Cemetery Trusts

Relevant Legislation

Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003

Cemeteries and Crematoria Regulations 2015

8. Crown Land


Administering Agency

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Crown Land committees of management

Relevant Legislation

Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978

9. Dairies


Administering Agency

Dairy Food Safety Victoria

Relevant Legislation

Dairy Act 2000

10. Dangerous Goods


Administering Agency

Victorian WorkCover Authority

Relevant Legislation

Dangerous Goods Act 1985

Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2011

Dangerous Goods (HCDG) Regulations 2005

Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2012

Codes of practice published by the Victorian WorkCover Authority

11. Electrical Installations


Administering Agency

Energy Safe Victoria

Electrical transmission and distribution companies

Relevant Legislation

Electricity Industry Act 2000

Electricity Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1993

Electricity Safety Act 1998

State Electricity Commission Act 1958

Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009

Standards Australia Wiring Rules, AS/NZS 3000/3013

12. Fences - dividing


Administering Agency

Department of Justice and Regulation

Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

Relevant Legislation

Fences Act 1968

13. Fire Prevention in Existing Buildings


Administering Agency

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Building Act 1993

Building Regulations 2006

14. Food Premises


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Food Act 1984

15. Gas Installations


Administering Agency

Energy Safe Victoria

Relevant Legislation

Gas Industry Act 2001

Gas Safety Act 1997

Gas Safety (Gas Installation) Regulations 2008

AS/NZS 5601 Gas Installations

16. Historic Buildings


Administering Agency

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Executive Director under the Heritage Act 1995

Relevant Legislation

Heritage Act 1995

17. Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Health Care Buildings


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services

Relevant Legislation

Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008

18. Lift Installations


Administering Agency

Victorian WorkCover Authority

Relevant Legislation

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007

AS1735 Lifts, escalators and moving walks

19. Moveable Dwellings (in Caravan Parks)


Administering Agency

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Residential Tenancies Act 1997

Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Moveable Dwellings

Registration and Standards) Regulations 2010

20. Occupational Health and Safety


Administering Agency

Victorian WorkCover Authority

Relevant Legislation

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007

Codes of practice published by the Victorian WorkCover Authority

21. Pharmacies


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services

Victorian Pharmacy Authority

Relevant Legislation

Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010

Victorian Pharmacy Authority Guidelines

22. Planning Controls


Administering Agency

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Planning and Environment Act 1987

Planning schemes

23. Prisons and Jails


Administering Agency

Department of Justice and Regulation

Corrections Victoria

Relevant Legislation

Corrections Act 1986

24. Radiation Safety


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services

Relevant Legislation

Radiation Act 2005

Radiation Regulations 2007

25. Schools (Non-Government)


Administering Agency

Department of Education and Training

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority

Relevant Legislation

Education and Training Reform Act 2006

26. Sanitary Plumbing, Water Supply and Sewerage


Administering Agency

Victorian Building Authority

Relevant Legislation

Building Act 1993

Plumbing Regulations 2008

National Construction Code Volume Three Plumbing Code of Australia

AS/NZS 3500 Plumbing and Drainage

27. Septic Tank Installations


Administering Agency

Environment Protection Authority

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Environment Protection Act 1970

Guidelines For Environmental Management: Code of Practice-Onsite wastewater management

28. Smoking Restrictions


Administering Agency

Department of Health and Human Services

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Tobacco Act 1987

29. Subdivision of Buildings


Administering Agency

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Municipal council

Relevant Legislation

Subdivision Act 1988