List of Amendments - NCC 2016 - Volume One
This set of notes has been prepared by the Australian Building Codes Board to assist NCC users in identifying changes incorporated in the 2016 edition of Volume One.
The notes provide a description of major changes made from the previous edition of Volume One. If additional information is required to assist in understanding, interpreting or applying the provisions of the 2016 edition of Volume One, reference should be made to the Guide to Volume One.
While the Australian Building Codes Board has attempted to include all major changes made from the previous edition of Volume One, the Board does not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the contents of this list of amendments.
List of Amendments
Reference | Changes and Commentary | |
General notes | ||
The Objectives and Functional Statements have been relocated to guidance material. | ||
The provisions titled "Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions" at the start of each Part have been restructured and reference to A0.10 amended to A0.7. | ||
Cross-volume consideration explanatory information has been inserted throughout to advise of relevant NCC Volume Three provisions. | ||
A number of provisions have been amended for cross-volume consistency as a consequence of a review to assist in the usability of Volume Two. | ||
Introduction | ||
The Introduction provisions have been amended as part of the initiative to increase the use of Performance Solutions. The changes emphasise that the NCC is a performance-based code. | ||
Section A | ||
Provisions in Part A0 have been amended, restructured and relocated as part of the initiative to increase the use of Performance Solutions. | ||
A0.1 | A new provision has been inserted for 'Compliance with the NCC'. The existing provision 'Adoption' has been relocated to 'Introduction'. | |
A0.2 | A new provision has been inserted for 'Meeting the Performance Requirements'. The existing provision 'BCA Volumes' has been relocated to 'Introduction'. Figure A0.2 has been inserted to replace Figure A0.3. | |
A0.3 | A new provision has been inserted for 'Performance Solutions'. The existing provision 'BCA Structure' has been amended and relocated to A0.2. | |
A0.4 | A new provision has been inserted for 'Deemed-to-Satisfy Solutions'. The existing provision 'Compliance with the BCA' has been amended and relocated to A0.1. | |
A0.5 | The existing provision 'Assessment Methods' has been relocated to A0.5. The existing provision 'Meeting the Performance Requirements' is now covered by A0.2. | |
A0.6 | The existing provision 'Defined terms' has been relocated from the 'Introduction' to A0.6. The existing provision 'Objectives and Functional Statements' has been deleted as a consequence of relocating the Objectives and Functional Statements into guidance material. | |
A0.7 | The existing provision 'Relevant Performance Requirements' has been relocated to A0.7. The existing provision 'Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions' is now covered by A0.4. | |
A0.8 | This provision has been deleted as a consequence of the inclusion of 'Performance Solutions' in A0.3. | |
A0.9 | This provision has been deleted as a consequence of the relocation of 'Assessment Methods' to A0.5. | |
A0.10 | This provision has been deleted. | |
A1.1 | The following definitions have been inserted, amended or deleted: | |
Alternative Solution | The defined term has been amended to include reference to a 'Performance Solution'. | |
Assessment Method | The defined term has been amended to include the new defined terms 'Performance Solution' and 'Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution' as a consequence of amendments to Part A0. | |
Boiler | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including Specification G2.2. | |
Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution | A new defined term 'Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution' has been inserted. | |
Effective height | The defined term has been amended to clarify the lowest storey selected for determination. | |
Expert Judgement | The defined term has been amended to include the new defined terms 'Performance Solution' and 'Prescriptive Solution'. | |
Farming | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including provisions for farm buildings and farm sheds. | |
Farm building | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including provisions for farm buildings. | |
Farm shed | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including provisions for farm sheds. | |
Farm vehicle | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including provisions for farm buildings and farm sheds. | |
Fire compartment | The terms 'Objective' and 'Functional Statement' have been removed as these defined terms are no longer used in the NCC. | |
Fire-protected timber | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including provisions for fire-protected timber. | |
Functional Statement | The defined term has been deleted, as it is no longer used in the NCC. | |
Massive timber | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including provisions for fire-protected timber. | |
Non-illuminated exit sign | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including provisions for farm buildings. | |
Objective | The defined term has been deleted as it is no longer used in the NCC. | |
Performance Requirement | The defined term has been amended to include the new defined terms 'Performance Solution' and 'Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution'. | |
Performance Solution | A new defined term 'Performance Solution' has been inserted. | |
Pressure vessel | A new defined term has been inserted as a consequence of including Specification G2.2. | |
Verification Method | The defined term has been amended to include the new defined term 'Performance Solution'. | |
A1.4 and A1.7 | Reference to 'BCA' replaced with 'NCC' as a consequence of the consolidation of the Introduction and General Provisions of the NCC to provide consistency across Volumes One, Two and Three. | |
A1.5 and A1.6 | Amended to clarify that the NCC is a performance-based code. | |
A1.8 | A new provision has been inserted for explanatory information, as a consequence of the insertion of cross-volume consideration explanatory information being included throughout the code to advise of relevant NCC Volume Three provisions. | |
A2.4 | Sub-clause (b) has been amended and a new sub-clause (c) has been inserted as a consequence of the deletion of provisions for the determination of group numbers for wall and ceiling linings from Specification C1.10, deletion of provisions for the determination of a material's smoke growth rate index (SMOGRARC) from Specification A2.4, and the adoption of AS 5637.1. | |
Specification A1.1 | A new Specification has been inserted as a consequence of new provisions for fire-protected timber. | |
Specification A1.3 Table 1 | The following references have been inserted, amended or deleted: | |
AS 1170.4 | Amdt 1 to AS 1170 Part 4 'Structural design actions — Earthquake actions in Australia' has been referenced. | |
AS/NZS 1200 | AS/NZS 1200 'Pressure equipment' has been deleted. | |
AS/NZS 1428.4.1 | Amdt 2 of the 2014 edition of AS/NZS 1428 Part 4.1 'Design for access and mobility — Means to assist the orientation of people with vision impairment — Tactile ground surface indicators' has been referenced. | |
AS 1530.4 | The 2014 edition of AS 1530 Part 4 'Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures — Fire-resistance tests for elements of construction' has been referenced. | |
AS 1668.1 | The 2015 edition of AS 1668 Part 1 'The use of ventilation and air conditioning in buildings — Fire and smoke control in buildings' has been referenced. | |
AS 1670.1 | The 2015 edition of AS 1670 Part 1 'Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems — System design, installation and commissioning — Fire' has been referenced. | |
AS 1670.4 | The 2015 edition of AS 1670 Part 4 'Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems — System design installation and commissioning — Sound systems and intercom systems for emergency purposes' has been referenced. | |
AS 1720.1 | Amdt 3 to AS 1720 Part 1 'Timber structures — Design methods' has been referenced. | |
AS 1720.5 | The 2015 edition of AS 1720 Part 5 'Timber structures — Nailplated timber roof trusses' has been referenced. | |
AS 1905.1 | The 2015 edition of AS 1905 Part 1 'Components for the protection of openings in fire-resistant walls — Fire-resistant doorsets' has been referenced. | |
AS 2293.3 | The 2005 edition of AS 2293 Part 3 'Emergency escape lighting and exit signs for buildings — Emergency escape luminaires and exit signs' has been referenced. | |
AS 3786 | Amdt 1 to AS 3786 'Smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization' has been referenced. | |
AS 4505 | Amdt 1 to AS 4505 'Garage doors and other large access doors' has been referenced. | |
AS 5146.1 | The 2015 edition of AS 5146 Part 1 'Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete — Structures' has been referenced. | |
AS 5637.1 | The 2015 edition of AS 5637 Part 1 'Determination of fire hazard properties — Wall and ceiling linings' has been referenced. | |
AS ISO 9705 | AS ISO 9705 'Fire test — Full-scale room tests for surface products' has been deleted. | |
NASH Standard | Amdt A to NASH Standard Part 2 'Residential and low-rise steel framing — Design solutions' has been referenced. | |
SA TS 101 | The 2015 edition of Standards Australia Technical Specification 'Design of post-installed and cast-in fastenings for use in concrete' has been referenced. | |
Specification A2.3 Clause 2 | Sub-clause (d)(iii) has been amended to reflect the scope of timber elements to which AS 1720.4 applies, and to exclude fire-protected timber from the sub-clause. | |
Specification A2.4 Clause 1 | Sub-clause (b) has been removed and the clause restructured as a result of the reduction of scope of the Specification. | |
Specification A2.4 Clause 3 and 4 | Clauses 3 and 4 of Specification A2.4 have been deleted as a consequence of referencing AS 5637.1, which is used for the determination of group numbers for wall and ceiling linings. | |
Section B | ||
BV2 | A new Verification Method has been inserted to verify compliance with Performance Requirement BP1.1(a)(iii). BV2 is a means for verifying the structural robustness of a building. | |
B1.4(b) |
B1.4(f)(iv) | A reference to AS 1720.5 has been added for the design of nailplated timber roof trusses in residential and similar buildings. | |
B1.5(c) | Design software for individual frame members such as electronic tables similar to that provided in NASH Standard – Residential and Low-Rise Steel Framing – Part 2, included as an exemption from the requirements of B1.5(a). | |
Section C | ||
C1.10(c)(xiv) | The sub-clause has been amended to include specific fire hazard property requirements for timber treads, risers, landings and associated supporting framework installed in accordance with D2.25. As a consequence, the existing sub-clause (c)(xiv) has been amended to (c)(xv). | |
C1.13 | A new provision has been included to allow fire-protected timber to be used wherever an element is required to be non-combustible, subject to sub-clauses (a) to (e). | |
C3.1(a)(iv) | C3.1(a)(iv) has been amended to clarify that where the concession for openings formed by a vehicle ramp is used, the floors connected by the vehicle ramp must be treated as a single fire compartment for the purposes of other Deemedto-Satisfy Provisions in Sections C, D and E. | |
Specification C1.1 Clause 2.9 | The clause has been amended to exclude fire protected timber elements from the residential aged care building concession. | |
Specification C1.1 Clause 3.1(d) | The sub-clause has been amended to include the option for loadbearing internal walls or loadbearing fire walls to be constructed from fire-protected timber for Type A construction. | |
Specification C1.1 Clause 4.1(e) | The sub-clause has been amended to include the option for loadbearing internal walls or loadbearing fire walls to be constructed from fire-protected timber for Type B construction. | |
Specification C1.10 Clause 4 | The clause has been amended and restructured as a consequence of provisions for the determination of group numbers for wall and ceiling linings being removed from the NCC and AS 5637.1 being referenced. | |
Specification C1.10 Clause 6 | The clause has been amended as a consequence of provisions for the determination of group numbers for wall and ceiling linings being removed from the NCC and AS 5637.1 being referenced. | |
Specification C1.13 | A new Specification has been inserted for fire-protected timber. | |
Section D | ||
D1.6(i) | A sub-clause has been included to clarify that the number of persons accommodated must be calculated in accordance with D1.13. | |
D1.10(g) | A sub-clause has been included to clarify that the number of persons accommodated must be calculated in accordance with D1.13. | |
D1.13 | The provision has been amended to clarify that it is to be used to determine the number of persons accommodated for certain Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions. It is not intended to restrict the number of occupants using a building. | |
D2.13(a) and (b) | The provision has been amended to provide an allowance for conditions such as movement of materials due to atmospheric moisture changes or minor deviations related to variations in materials which affect finished stair dimensions. | |
D2.21(b)(iii) | D2.21(b)(iii) has been amended and restructured to exempt Australian Government Security Zones 4 and 5 from the requirements of D2.21(a). | |
D2.25 | A new provision has been inserted as a concession to D2.2 for timber stairways. The concession permits the use of timber within a fire-isolated stairway or fire-isolated passageway subject to certain conditions. | |
Section E | ||
Table E1.5 | A new note 3 included to refer to C1.13 and Specification C1.1 for use of sprinklers in Class 2, 3 and 5 buildings containing fire-protected timber. Consequently the existing note 3 has been renumbered. | |
Table E2.2a - Buildings more than 25 m in effective height | Note 2 below 'Class 5, 6, 7b, 8 or 9b buildings' has been amended to clarify when this provision does not apply. | |
Specification E2.2a Clause 4(d) | Clause 4(d) has been amended and restructured to provide a concession to the smoke detector requirements in sprinklered areas in Class 9a health-care buildings where the use of the area is likely to result in spurious signals. | |
Figure 2 Specification E2.2b | For consistency with the amendment to the title of Part H1, reference to 'theatres, stages, and public halls' has been replaced with 'Class 9b buildings'. | |
Part E4 | As a consequence of amendments to Performance Requirement EP4.1 the Part title has been amended to 'Visibility in an emergency, exit signs and warning systems'. | |
EP4.1 |
Section F | ||
F1.9(b)(ii) | 'Termite shields' has been replaced with 'sheet material' to reflect updated terminology. | |
F1.12 | Provisions amended for consistency with changes to Volume Two of the NCC to improve the usability of the Code. | |
Table F2.1 |
F2.3(a) | Clarification has been added that sanitary facilities for males and females must be separate unless otherwise permitted. | |
F2.3(f) | A new sub-clause has been included to exempt ward areas from requiring separate sanitary facilities for males and females. As a consequence the remaining sub-clauses have been renumbered. | |
Table F2.3 | Clarification has been added that sanitary facilities for patrons need not be provided in Class 6 and 9b buildings where the total number of persons accommodated in the building is not more than the given number. | |
F3.1(d)(iv) | A sub-clause has been included to clarify that the number of persons accommodated must be calculated in accordance with D1.13. | |
FV4.1 | A new Verification Method has been inserted as an option to verify compliance with Performance Requirements FP4.3 and FP4.4(a). FV4.1 is a means for verifying that a building ventilated with outdoor air has suitable indoor air quality. The new Verification Method is applicable to Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9b and 9c buildings. | |
FV4.2 | A new Verification Method has been inserted as an option to verify compliance with Performance Requirements FP4.3 and FP4.4(a). FV4.2 is a means for verifying that a carpark ventilated with outdoor air has suitable indoor air quality. The new Verification Method is applicable to Class 7a buildings. | |
F4.3(a)(ii) | F4.3(a)(ii) has been amended to clarify that the aggregate light transmitting area of a glazed panel or opening cannot be less than 10% of the floor area of the room to which it provides light. | |
F4.6(a)(i) | F4.6(a)(i) has been amended to clarify that the ventilating area must be not less than 5% of the floor area of the room required to be ventilated. | |
FV5.1(b), F5.3(a)(i), F5.4(a) and Specification F5.2 Clause 2 | The spectral adaptation term (CI correction) for impact sound insulation rating descriptors LnT,w and Ln,w has been deleted to align with international building codes. | |
Section G | ||
Part G2 | Part G2 has been re-named as a consequence of the inclusion of new provisions for boilers and pressure vessels. | |
GP2.2 | The Performance Requirement has been amended to include new defined terms for 'boilers' and 'pressure vessels'. | |
G2.2 and Specification G2.2 | New provisions for boilers and pressure vessels have been inserted as a result of deleting reference to AS/NZS 1200. | |
G4.8 | G4.8 has been amended and restructured to clarify the requirements for fire hydrants and fire hose reels. | |
Section H | ||
Part H1 | Part H1 has been re-named 'Class 9b Buildings' to more accurately reflect its content. | |
Part H3 | A new Part has been inserted containing provisions for farm buildings and farm sheds. | |
Section J | ||
JV3(g)(ii)(C) | A reference to J1.6(e) has been added to JV3(g)(ii)(C) as a design requirement for floor edge insulation. | |
J0.2(d) | An exemption has been included for J0.2(d), where the house energy rating software used can automatically compensate for a loss of ceiling insulation. | |
Abbreviations and Symbols | ||
ppm | Parts per million (ppm) included as an abbreviation. | |
Australian Capital Territory Appendix | ||
Footnote | The Footnote listing other legislation has been updated. | |
New South Wales Appendix | ||
Footnote | The Footnote listing other legislation has been updated. | |
Queensland Appendix | ||
Qld Specification A3.2 | The schedule of referenced documents has been updated. | |
Qld Part G101 | This Part has been deleted. | |
South Australia Appendix | ||
SA A1.1 | A new defined term has been included for a 'small arts venue'. | |
SA A3.2 Class 6 | A new variation has been included to make a 'small arts venue' Class 6. | |
SA D1.2(h) | A new addition has been included to require not less than 2 exits from certain small arts venues. | |
SA D2.21(c) | A new variation has been included to apply egress door requirements to small arts venues. | |
SA Table F1.7 | A new variation has been included to vary Table F1.7. | |
SA GP1.2 | Performance Requirement GP1.2 relating to swimming pools has been amended for clarity. | |
SA G1.1(a) | A new variation has been included to clarify that access to a swimming pool must be restricted from any habitable room, or building with a habitable room, within a pool area. | |
SA G1.1(d) | A new addition has been included to clarify that a skimmer box is considered an outlet for the purposes of clause 6.1.1 of AS 1926.3. | |
SA Part H3 | This Part has been amended to provide reference to Minister's Specification H3.2 — Concessions for farm buildings. | |
Tasmania Appendix | ||
Tas Part D2 | The Tasmanian variations in Part D2 regarding slip-resistance have been deleted. | |
Tas Section H | Clarification included to a number of application provisions in Section H. | |
Tas Part H123 |
This section has been restructured to refer to the ABCB Temporary Structures Standard, except retaining variations for—
Footnote | The Footnote listing other legislation has been updated. | |
Victoria Appendix | ||
Vic C1.10(c)(xv) | A new variation has been included, deleting the exemption in C1.10(c)(xv). | |
Vic Specification E1.5 Clause 2 | A new variation has been included to vary clause 5.6.13 of AS 2118.1. The variation requires covered balconies in Class 2, 3, 4, 9a or 9c buildings to be sprinkler protected. | |
Vic H103.1(a) | Buildings constructed using fire-protected building elements have been excluded from the concession for Class 2 and Class 3 buildings. | |
Footnote | The Footnote listing other legislation has been updated. | |
Western Australia Appendix | ||
WA Section G | WA Section G has been deleted. | |
History of Adoption | ||
14.0 | New provision added in order to set out the adoption date of the 2016 edition of Volume One in each State and Territory and to summarise the purpose of the changes from the 2015 edition. |