Footnote: Other Legislation Affecting Buildings
In addition to any applicable provisions of the Development Act 1993, the Development Regulations 2008 and this Code, there are a number of other legislative technical requirements affecting the design, construction and/or performance of buildings that practitioners may need to be aware of, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following list. Additional legislative instruments such as regulations, codes and standards may exist under the legislation listed.
1. Abattoirs
Administering agency
Department for Health and Ageing
Relevant legislation
Food Act 2001
Food Regulations 2002
2. Accommodation
Administering agency
Department for Communities and Social Inclusion
Relevant legislation
Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992
Supported Residential Facilities Regulations 2009
3. Asbestos Removal
Administering agency
SafeWork SA, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Relevant legislation
Work, Health and Safety Act 2012
Work, Health and Safety Regulations 2012
4. Children's Services
Administering agency
Department of Further Education and Child Development
Relevant legislation
Children’s Services Act 1985
5. Crown Land
Administering agency
Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources
Relevant legislation
Crown Land Management Act 2009
Crown Land Management Regulations 2010
6. Dangerous Goods
Administering agency
Department for Health and Ageing
Relevant legislation
Controlled Substances Act 1984
Controlled Substances (Pesticides) Regulations 2003
Controlled Substances (Poisons) Regulations 2011
Administering agency
Safework SA, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Relevant legislation
Dangerous Substances Act 1979
Dangerous Substances Regulations 2002
Explosives Act 1936
Explosives Regulations 2011
Explosives (Fireworks) Regulations 2001
Explosives (Security Sensitive Substances) Regulations 2006
7. Electrical Installations
Administering agency
Office of the Technical Regulator, Department of State Development
Relevant legislation
Electricity Act 1996
Electricity Regulations 2012
Energy Products Act 2012
Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Act 2000
Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Regulations 2012
8. Encroachments
Administering agency
Attorney-General's Department
Relevant legislation
Encroachments Act 1944
9. Fences
Administering agency
Attorney-General's Department
Relevant legislation
Fences Act 1975
Fences Regulations 2003
10. Fire Prevention in Existing Buildings
Administering agency
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
Relevant legislation
Development Act 1993
Development Regulations 2008
Administering agency
SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission
Relevant legislation
Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005
Fire and Emergency Services Regulations 2005
11. Food Premises
Administering agency
Department for Health and Ageing
Relevant legislation
Food Act 2001
Food Regulations 2002
12. Gas Installations
Administering agency
Office of the Technical Regulator, Department of State Development
Relevant legislation
Gas Act 1997
Gas Regulations 2012
Energy Products Act 2012
Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Act 2000
Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Regulations 2012
13. Historic Buildings
Administering agency
Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources
Relevant legislation
Heritage Places Act 1993
Heritage Places Regulations 2005
14. Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Health Care Buildings
Administering agency
Department for Health and Ageing
Relevant legislation
Health Care Act 2008
Health Care Regulations 2008
15. Housing
Administering agency
Department for Communities and Social Inclusion
Relevant legislation
Housing Improvement Act 1940
Housing Improvement (Standards) Regulations 2007
16. Licensed Premises
Administering agency
Office of Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Attorney-General's Department
Relevant legislation
Liquor Licensing Act 1997
Liquor Licensing (General) Regulations 2012
17. Lift Installations
Administering agency
Safework SA, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Relevant legislation
Work, Health and Safety Act 2012
Work, Health and Safety Regulations 2012
18. Occupational Health and Safety
Administering agency
SafeWork SA, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Relevant legislation
Work, Health and Safety Act 2012
Work, Health and Safety Regulations 2012
19. Pharmacies
Administering agency
Department for Health and Ageing
Relevant legislation
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Regulations 2010
20. Radiation Safety
Administering agency
Environment Protection Authority
Relevant legislation
Radiation Protection and Control Act 1982
Radiation Protection and Control (Ionising Radiation) Regulations 2000
21. Sanitary Plumbing, Water Supply and Sewerage
Administering agency
Office of the Technical Regulator, Department of State Development
Relevant legislation
Water Industry Act 2012
Water Industry Regulations 2012
22. School (non-government)
Administering agency
Department of Further Education and Child Development
Relevant legislation
Education Act 1972
Education Regulations 2012
23. Septic Tank and Grey Water Installations
Administering agency
Department for Health and Ageing
Relevant legislation
South Australian Public Health Act 2011
South Australian Public Health (Wastewater) Regulations 2013
24. Smoking Restrictions
Administering agency
Department for Health and Ageing
Relevant legislation
Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997
Tobacco Products Regulations 2004
25. Subdivision of Property
Administering agency
Land Services Group, Department ofPlanning, Transport and Infrastructure
Relevant legislation
Community Titles Act 1996
Community Titles Regulations 2011
Real Property Act 1886
Real Property Regulations 2009
Strata Titles Act 1988
Strata Titles Regulations 2003
26. Waste Management and Environment Protection
Administering agency
Environment Protection Authority
Relevant legislation
Environment Protection Act 1993
Environment Protection Regulations 2009