Part B3 Non-drinking water services
Introduction to this Part
This Part sets out the requirements for the design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of any part of a non-drinking water service of a property. It covers from the point of connection to the points of discharge.
Explanatory information:
The Objective of this Part is to—
- safeguard people from illness, injury or loss (including loss of amenity) due to the failure of a non-drinking water installation; and
- ensure that a non-drinking water installation is suitable; and
- conserve water and energy; and
- safeguard the environment; and
- safeguard public and private infrastructure; and
- ensure that a non-drinking water installation throughout its serviceable life will continue to satisfy the requirements of Objectives (a) to (e).
Sanitary fixtures, sanitary appliances and supply outlets provided with non-drinking water must be adequate.
Non-drinking water must be supplied through plumbing installations in a way that avoids the likelihood of inadvertent contamination of any drinking water service, minimise any adverse impact on building occupants, the Network Utility Operator's infrastructure, property and the environment.
Performance Requirements
BP3.1 Water supply
A non-drinking waterservice must only be connected to outlets clearly identified for non-drinking use.
A non-drinking water service must not have a cross-connection with a drinking water service.
BP3.2 Identification
Pipes, pipe outlets, fittings, storage and holding tanks that are part of a non-drinking water service must be clearly identified.
BP3.3 Design, construction and installation
Anon-drinking water service must ensure the following:
Non-drinking water is provided at required flow rates and pressures for the correct functioning of fixtures and appliances.
Access for maintenance of mechanical components and operational controls.
The system, appliances and devices can be isolated for testing and maintenance.
A non-drinking water service must be designed, constructed and installed to avoid uncontrolled discharge or failure.
Verification Methods
There are no Verification Methods in this Part.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
B3.1 Application
Performance RequirementsBP3.1 to BP3.3 are satisfied by complying with B3.2 and B3.3.
B3.2 Distribution of non-drinking water
A non-drinking water service must not be connected to any outlet that supplies water for—
human consumption; or
food preparation; or
food utensil washing; or
personal hygiene.
B3.3 General requirements
The design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of a non-drinking water service must be in accordance with Section 9 of AS/NZS 3500.1.
Note 1:
The design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of a non-drinking water service used for fire-fighting purposes must be in accordance with Part B4.
Explanatory information: Cross-volume considerations
Item |
NCC Volume One Class 2 to 9 buildings |
NCC Volume Two Class 1 and 10 buildings |
Excavations for pipework adjacent to a building and footings |
Termite management for attachments to buildings and penetrations through a slab |
Penetrations for pipework through a vapour barrier |
Pipework in timber bearers and joists of solid timber or engineered wood products |
Fittings, fixtures and pipework installations in steel framed construction |
Penetrations through a fire-resisting wall or floor |
C3 Protection of openings | |
Fixtures or fittings in a wet area |
F1 Damp and weather proofing | |
Service pipework external to the building and penetrations through roof cladding in a bushfire prone area |
Pipework sound insulation |