NCC 2019 Volume Three Amendment 1
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Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c
SA Section F On-site waste water systems

SA Section F On-site waste water systems

SA Part F1 On-site waste water management systems

Introduction to this Part

This Part sets out the requirements for the design, construction, installation, replacement repair, alteration and maintenance of any part of an on-site wastewater management system.

Explanatory information:

Explanatory information:



The Objective of this Part is to—

  1. safeguard people from illness, injury or loss (including loss of amenity) due to the failure of an on-site wastewater management system installation; and
  2. ensure that an on-site wastewater management system installation (including an installation provided for use by people with a disability) is suitable; and
  3. conserve water and energy; and
  4. safeguard the environment; and
  5. safeguard public and private infrastructure; and
  6. ensure that an on-site wastewater management system installation is designed and is capable of being maintained so that throughout its serviceable life it will continue to satisfy Objectives (a) to (e).


SA FF1.1

on-site wastewater management systems must collect, contain, treat and assimilate and process domestic-wastewater, human excreta, or both so that public health and environmental standards required by the authority having jurisdiction are achieved.

Performance Requirements

SA FP1.1 Health, environment and amenity


An on-site wastewater management system must ensure the following:


Risks associated with the discharge of treated wastewater to the environment are minimised.


Risks associated with the discharge of the end product of a composting toilet to the environment are minimised.


Surface and ground water are not polluted.


Soil productivity is maintained or enhanced.

SA FP1.2 Infrastructure


Wastewater must be transferred to an on-site wastewater management system in a wat that avoids the following:


Entry of foul air and gases into buildings.


Wastewater must be transferred to an on-site wastewater management system in a way that ensures the following:


Safe and hygienic transferal of waste.


Safe access for maintenance.

SA FP1.3 On-site waste water management


An on-site wastewater management system must avoid the following:


Contamination of drinking water, soils, ground water and waterways.


Foul air and gases accumulating within or entering buildings.


Unauthorised access by people.


Entry of stormwater to the system.


An on-site wastewater management system must ensure the following:


Cleaning, maintenance, measurement and performance sampling can be conducted as appropriate.


The manufacturer, model, serial number and designed capacity is easily identifiable after installation.


Materials which are resistance to the water and waste that will be disposed.


Appropriate treatment and storage capacity for the volume of waste and frequency of disposal.


Appropriate size, strength and rigidity for the nature, flow rates, volume of wastes and/or waste products which must be processed.


Vehicle access for the collection of waste water.


The installation throughout its serviceable life will continue to satisfy the requirements of items SA FP1.3(2)(a) to SA FP1.3(2)(f).

SA FP1.4 Land application systems


An on-site wastewater management system and associated land application system must avoid the following:


Damage from root penetration, superimposed loads or ground movement.


Entry of water, foul air or gases from the system into buildings.


Entry of stormwater to the system.


Blockage and unintended or uncontrolled discharge.


An on-site wastewater management system, and any associated land application system mst provide the following:


Protection against internal contamination.


Access for maintenance and cleaning.


Ventilation to avoid foul air and gases accumulation in the system.


A facility must continue to satisfy the requirement of items SA FP1.4(1) – SA FP1.4(2)

Verification Methods

There are no Verification Methods in this Part.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

SA F1.1 Application


Performance RequirementsSA FP1.1 to SA FP1.4 are satisfied by complying with SA F1.2.

Acceptable plumbing manuals

SA F1.2 General requirements


The manufacture of septic tanks and their associated fittings for the treatment of domestic wastewater up to 14,000 litres per week must be in accordance with AS/NZS 1546.1.


Waterless composting toilets must meet the requirements of AS/NZS 1546.2.


The design, means of compliance and specification for testing of aerated wastewater treatment systems and associated fitting must be in accordance with AS/NZS 1546.3.


The design and installation of sanitary plumbing and drainage systems must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.2 and the requirements of this Part.


The design and sustainable management of domestic land application systems must be in accordance with AS/NZS 1547.

SA Part F2 On-site liquid trade waste systems


This Part sets out the requirements for the design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of any part of a system of a property used for the on-site treatment, conveyance and/or disposal of liquid trade waste.

Performance Requirements

SA FP2.1 Health, environment and amenity


An on-site liquid trade waste system must ensure the following:


Risks associated with the discharge of treated liquid trade waste to the environment are minimised.


Surface and ground water are not polluted.


Soil productivity is maintained or enhanced.

SA FP2.2 Transferal


Liquid trade waste must be transferred within disposal systems to storage containers and in a way that avoids the following:


Entry of foul air and gases into buildings.


Liquid trade waste must be transferred within disposal systems to storage containers and in a way that ensures the following:


Safe and hygienic transferal.


Safe access, as appropriate, for clearing blockages.

SA FP2.3 Design, construction and installation


A facility for the storage, treatment and/or disposal of liquid trade waste must:


Have appropriate treatment and storage capacity for the volume of waste and frequency of disposal.


Be of the appropriate size, strength and rigidity for the nature, flowrates, volume of wastes, by-products and residues which must be processed.


Have vehicle access, for collection.


Be of an appropriate structural strength for where pedestrian or vehicular traffic is likely.


Be constructed of materials which are resistant to water and the expected waste that will be disposed.


A facility for the storage, treatment and/or disposal of liquid trade waste must avoid the likelihood of the following:


Contamination of drinking water, soils, ground water and waterways.


Foul air and gases accumulating within or entering buildings.


Unauthorised access by people.


Entry of stormwater to the sewerage system.

Application 1:

Application 1:

SA FP2.3(2)(e) does not apply in cases where a contaminated stormwater discharge of limited volume is accepted by the Network Utility Operator as a trade waste.


A facility used for storage, treatment and/or disposal of liquid trade waste must be designed, constructed and installed to allow the following:


Cleaning, maintenance, measurement and performance sampling can be conducted.


Identification of the manufacturer, model, serial number and capacity after installation.


A facility must continue to satisfy the requirements of items SA FP2.3(1)SA FP2.3(3) throughout its expected lifetime.

Verification Methods

There are no Verification Methods in this Part.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

SA F2.1 Application


Performance RequirementsSA FP2.1 to SA FP2.3 are satisfied by complying with SA F2.2.

SA F2.2 General requirements


Where pre-treatment facilities are required, they must comply with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction, including receiving Network Utility Operator (where relevant) and those responsible for occupational health and safety, dangerous goods management and environmental protection.


Where the written agreement of the authority having jurisdiction and the receiving Network Utility Operator is required, the liquid trade waste systems and pre-treatment facilities are to comply with the requirement of the authority having jurisdiction and the receiving Network Utility Operator.


Where pre-treatment facilities are not required by the authority having jurisdiction or the receiving Network Utility Operator, the minimum requirement for SA FP2.2 and SA FP2.3 is compliance with AS/NZS 3500.2.