Section A Governing requirements
Part A1 Interpreting the NCC
Tas A1.0(7) Advisory information
The Director of Building Control may issue written advice to deal with arising issues such as interpretation of codes, standards and regulations.
Part A4 Referenced documents
Delete A4.0(3) and insert Tas A4.0(3) as follows:
Tas A4.0 Referenced documents
Where a new edition, issue or amendment of a primary referenced document is not listed under Schedule 4, for the purposes of the PCA the new addition, issue or amendment shall be referenced upon the publication of that addition, issue or amendment.
All Tasmanian legislative documents referenced within the PCA are taken to be the latest published versions thereof unless noted otherwise.
Part A5 Documentation of design and construction
Tas A5.3 Evidence of suitability – Volume Three
Delete A5.3(1)(a) and insert Tas A5.3(1)(a) as follows:
a test report provided by a certification body or NATA accredited testing laboratory, in accordance with AS/NZS 4020; or
After A5.3(1)(b) insert Tas A5.3(1)(c) as follows—
Product certification and authorisation must comply with the procedures set out in the WaterMark Certification Scheme (see ABCB website for details), Tas Part I101 or Tas Part I102 (as appropriate).
Delete A5.3(3)(b) and insert Tas A5.3(3)(b) as follows:
a report issues by a NATA accredited testing laboratory which—
Demonstrates that the product complies with the relevant requirements of the PCA; and
After A5.3(4) insert Tas A5.3(401) as follows—
Any new or innovative material or product must be assessed, certified and authorised — if required — in accordance with the WaterMark Certification Scheme (see ABCB website for details), Tas Part I101 or Tas Part I102 (as appropriate) prior to their use in a plumbing or drainage installation.
After A5.3(5)(b)(ii) insert Tas A5.3(5)(b)(iii) as follows—
Meeting the requirements of Tas Part I101 or Tas Part I102 (as appropriate).
After A5.3(6) insert Tas A5.3(7), (8), (9), (10) as follows—
A material or product excluded from certification under the Plumbing Code of Australia is authorised for use in a plumbing or drainage installation if—
it is certified as complying with the appropriate Australian Standard(s); or
other evidence of suitability can be provided in accordance with A5.3(5)(b)(iii).
A material or product used in a fire-fighting water service is authorised for use if it is certified by a recognised expert as complying with the relevant Australian Standards for the specific application in accordance with A5.3(5)(b)(iii).
A material or product used in a stormwater installation is authorised for use if it is certified by a recognised expert as complying with Section 2 of AS/NZS 3500.3 in accordance with Tas A5.3(5)(b)(iii).
A prefabricated or constructed on-site cold-water storage tank used in a drinking water supply system is authorised for use if evidence of compliance with Tas Part B101 in accordance with A5.3(5)(b)(iii) is given.