Section C Sanitary plumbing and drainage systems
Part C2 Sanitary drainage systems
Delete CF2.2 and insert NT CF2.2 as follows:
Explanatory information:
NT CF2.2
* * * * *
Performance Requirements
NT CP2.2 * * * * *
Explanatory information
This clause has deliberately been left blank.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
NT C2.3 * * * * *
Delete C2.4(1) and insert NTC2.4(1) as follows:
NT C2.4 General requirements
The design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of a sanitary drainage system must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.2 with the following variations:
Substitute clause as follows:
A minimum height of 100 mm shall be maintained between the top of the overflow gully riser and the lowest fixture connected to the drain; and
Substitute clause as follows:
The minimum height between the top of the overflow gully riser and the surrounding natural ground surface level shall be 150 mm, except where the gully riser is located in a path or paved area, where it shall be finished at a level so as to prevent the ponding and ingress of water; and
Inspection openings are only required—
at the connections to the Network Utility Operator sewer main; and
where a new section of drain is to be connected to an existing drain; and
as required by the regulator; and
A domestic swimming pool must not be connected to sewer main; and
A swimming pool other than a domestic swimming pool, must not be connected to a sewer main without the approval of the Network Utility Operator; and
A clothes washing machine must not discharge into a floor waste gully.