Part 3.9.2 Barriers and handrails
Appropriate Performance Requirements
Appropriate Performance Requirements
- Where an alternative barrier is proposed as a Performance Solution to that described in Part 3.9.2, that proposal must comply with—
- Performance RequirementP2.5.2; and
- the relevant Performance Requirements determined in accordance with A2.4(3).
- Where an alternative handrail is proposed as a Performance Solution to that described in Part 3.9.2, that proposal must comply with—
- Performance RequirementP2.5.1(b)(i); and
- the relevant Performance Requirements determined in accordance with A2.2(3) and A2.4(3) as applicable.
The following figure depicts typical stairway and barrier members and associated terminology. Some items have been omitted for clarity.
- Stringer
- Baluster
- Barrier
- Tread
- Riser
- Landing
- Handrail
- Newal post
- Open riser
- Winders (tapered treads)
- Handrail
- Landing barrier
- Barrier
Explanatory information:
For a required barrier to an external trafficable structure in an alpine area, the requirements of this Part need to be read in conjunction with the requirements of Part 3.10.4. Safety barrier requirements for swimming pools are contained in Part 3.10.1.
Explanatory information:
In addition to the requirements of this Part, a barrier and handrail must comply with the structural requirements of Part 3.0. The structural requirements refer to the barrier and/or handrail being designed and constructed to withstand any combinations of loads and other actions to which it may reasonably be subjected and the structural resistance of the materials and forms of construction used for the barrier or handrail.
A window forming a part of a barrier must comply with the glazing assembly provisions of Part 3.6, and therefore is not required to comply with AS/NZS 1170.1 (structural design actions - referenced in Part 3.0) as it is exempted by Part 3.6. The Part 3.6 provisions consider the wind loading on the glazing and human impact requirements. Application
Compliance with this acceptable construction practice satisfies Performance Requirements P2.5.2 for barriers and P2.5.1(b)(i) for handrails, by complying with— for handrails; and Barriers to prevent falls
A continuous barrier must be provided along the side of a trafficable surface, such as—
a stairway, ramp or the like; and
a floor, corridor, hallway, balcony, deck, verandah, mezzanine, access bridge or the like; and
a roof top space or the like to which general access is provided; and
any delineated path of access to a building,
where it is possible to fall 1 m or more measured from the level of the trafficable surface to the surface beneath (see Figure
The requirements of (a) do not apply to—
a retaining wall unless the retaining wall forms part of, or is directly associated with a delineated path of access to a building from the road, or a delineated path of access between buildings (see Figure; or
a barrier provided to an openable window covered by and
Explanatory information:
The intent of the barrier requirements is to prescribe provisions to minimise the risk of a person falling from a stairway, raised floor level (such as a balcony) or the like. sets out when barriers are required to be provided and contains the requirements for the construction of barriers.
Barriers and children:
Children are at particular risk of falling off, over or through ineffectively designed or constructed barriers. Accordingly the requirements of this Part aim to ensure that a barrier reduces the likelihood of children being able to climb over a barrier or fall through a barrier. Construction of barriers to prevent falls
A barrier required by must comply with the following:
Barrier height: The height of a barrier must be in accordance with the following:
The height must not be less than 865 mm above the nosings of the stair treads, the floor of a ramp or the like (see Figure
The height must not be less than—
1 m above the floor of any landing, corridor, hallway, balcony, deck, verandah, access path, mezzanine, access bridge, roof top space or the like to which general access is provided (see Figure and Figure; or
Transition zone: A transition zone may be incorporated where the barrier height changes from 865 mm on the stairway flight or ramp to 1 m at the landing (see Figure
Openings in barriers: Openings in barriers (including decorative balustrades) must be constructed so that they do not permit a 125 mm sphere to pass through it and for stairways, the opening is measured above the nosing line of the stair treads (see Figure
Barriers to certain non-habitable rooms: A barrier to a stairway serving a non-habitable room, such as an attic, storeroom or the like that is not used on a regular or daily basis, need not comply with (c) if—
openings are constructed so that they do not permit a 300 mm sphere to pass through; or
where rails are used, the barrier consists of a top rail and an intermediate rail, with the openings between rails not more than 460 mm.
Restriction on horizontal elements:
Where it is possible to fall more than 4 m, any horizontal elements within the barrier between 150 mm and 760 mm above the floor must not facilitate climbing.
For the purpose of (i), the 4 m is measured from the floor level of the trafficable surface to the surface beneath.
Explanatory Information:
Barrier loading forces: A barrier, except a window serving as a barrier, must be designed to take loading forces in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.1. Handrails
Handrails to a stairway or ramp must—
be located along at least one side of the stairway flight or ramp; and
be located along the full length of the stairway flight or ramp, except in the case where a handrail is associated with a barrier the handrail may terminate where the barrier terminates; and
have the top surface of the handrail not less than 865 mm vertically above the nosings of the stair treads or the floor surface of the ramp (see Figure; and
be continuous and have no obstruction on or above them that will tend to break a handhold, except for newel posts, ball type stanchions, or the like.
Explanatory information:
- addresses requirements regarding location, height and extent of handrails. Where a barrier and handrail are installed together, is to be read in conjunction with, and
- A handrail is required on at least one side of the stairway flight or ramp. The top rail of a barrier may be suitable as a handrail if it meets and is able to be grasped by hand to provide support to the person using the stairway or ramp.
- requires a continuous handrail which must extend the full length of the stairway flight or ramp except where the handrail is associated with the barrier, in which case the handrail can terminate where the barrier is allowed to terminate. This allows for the barriers to geometric stairways such as elliptical, spiral, circular or curved stairways to finish a few treads from the bottom of the stairway.
- requires a minimum handrail height of 865 mm. This height provides comfort, stability, support and assistance for most users.
- outlines where a handrail need not be provided, this includes— Construction of wire barriers
A wire barrier is deemed to meet the requirements of if it is constructed in accordance with the following:
For a horizontal or near horizontal wire system—
when measured with a strain indicator, it must be in accordance with the tension values in Table; or
when measured for a maximum permissible deflection, it must not exceed the maximum deflections in Table
For a non-continuous vertical wire system—
when measured with a strain indicator, it must be in accordance with the tension values in Table (see Note 4); or
when measured for maximum permissible deflection, it must not exceed the maximum deflections in Table
For a continuous vertical or continuous near vertical sloped wire system—
it must have wires of no more than 2.5 mm diameter with a lay of 7 x 7 or 7 x 19 construction; and
changes in direction at support rails must pass around a pulley block without causing permanent deformation to the wire; and
supporting rails must be spaced of not more than 900 mm apart and be of a material that does not allow deflection that would decrease the tension of the wire under load; and
when the wire tension is measured with a strain indicator, it must be in accordance with the tension values in Table when measured in the furthermost span from the tensioning device.
Clear distance between posts (mm) |
600 |
800 |
900 |
1000 |
1200 |
1500 |
1800 |
2000 |
2500 |
Wire dia. (mm) |
Lay |
Wire spacing (mm) |
Minimum required tension in Newtons (N) |
2.5 |
7x7 |
60 |
55 |
190 |
263 |
415 |
478 |
823 |
1080 |
1139 |
x |
80 |
382 |
630 |
730 |
824 |
1025 |
1288 |
x |
x |
x |
100 |
869 |
1218 |
1368 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
2.5 |
1x19 |
60 |
35 |
218 |
310 |
402 |
585 |
810 |
1125 |
1325 |
x |
80 |
420 |
630 |
735 |
840 |
1050 |
1400 |
1750 |
x |
x |
100 |
1140 |
1565 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.0 |
7x7 |
60 |
15 |
178 |
270 |
314 |
506 |
660 |
965 |
1168 |
1491 |
80 |
250 |
413 |
500 |
741 |
818 |
1083 |
1370 |
1565 |
x |
100 |
865 |
1278 |
1390 |
1639 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.0 |
1x19 |
60 |
25 |
183 |
261 |
340 |
520 |
790 |
1025 |
1180 |
x |
80 |
325 |
555 |
670 |
785 |
1025 |
1330 |
1725 |
1980 |
x |
100 |
1090 |
1500 |
1705 |
1910 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
4.0 |
7x7 |
60 |
5 |
73 |
97 |
122 |
235 |
440 |
664 |
813 |
1178 |
80 |
196 |
422 |
480 |
524 |
760 |
1100 |
1358 |
1530 |
2130 |
100 |
835 |
1182 |
1360 |
1528 |
1837 |
2381 |
2811 |
3098 |
x |
4.0 |
1x19 |
60 |
5 |
5 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
147 |
593 |
890 |
1280 |
80 |
30 |
192 |
300 |
415 |
593 |
1105 |
1303 |
1435 |
1844 |
100 |
853 |
1308 |
1487 |
1610 |
2048 |
2608 |
3094 |
3418 |
3849 |
4.0 |
7x19 |
60 |
155 |
290 |
358 |
425 |
599 |
860 |
1080 |
1285 |
1540 |
80 |
394 |
654 |
785 |
915 |
1143 |
1485 |
1860 |
2105 |
2615 |
100 |
1038 |
1412 |
1598 |
1785 |
2165 |
2735 |
x |
x |
x |
Notes to Table :
- Lay = number of strands by the individual wires in each strand. For example a lay of 7 x 19 consists of 7 strands with 19 individual wires in each strand.
- Where a change of direction is made in a run of wire, the tensioning device is to be placed at the end of the longest span.
- If a 3.2 mm diameter wire is used, the tension figures for 3.0 mm wire are applied.
- This table may also be used for a set of non-continuous (single) vertical wires forming a barrier using the appropriate clear distance between posts as the vertical clear distance between the rails.
- X = not allowed because the required tension would exceed the safe load of the wire.
- Tension measured with a strain indicator.
Wire dia. (mm) |
Lay |
Wire spacing (mm) |
Maximum clear space between rails (mm) |
900 |
Required tension in Newtons (N) |
2.5 |
7 x 19 |
80 |
145 |
100 |
310 |
110 |
610 |
2.5 |
7 x 7 |
80 |
130 |
100 |
280 |
110 |
500 |
Notes to Table :
- Lay = number of strands by the number of individual wires in each strand. For example a lay of 7 x 19 consists of 7 strands with 19 individual wires in each strand.
- Vertical wires must have two pulley blocks to each 180 degree change of direction in the wire.
- Near vertical wires may only require one pulley block for each change of direction.
- Wire tension measured with a strain indicator.
- The table only includes 7 x 7 and 7 x 19 wires due to other wires not having sufficient flexibility to make the necessary turns.
Clear distance between posts (mm) |
600 |
900 |
1200 |
1500 |
1800 |
2000 |
Wire dia. (mm) |
Wire spacing (mm) |
Maximum permissible deflection of each wire when a 2 kg mass is suspended at mid span (mm) |
2.5 |
60 |
17 |
11 |
9 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
80 |
7 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
X |
X |
3.0 |
60 |
19 |
13 |
8 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
80 |
8 |
6 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
4.0 |
60 |
18 |
12 |
8 |
8 |
7 |
7 |
80 |
8 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Notes to Table :
- Where a change of direction is made in a run of wire, the 2 kg mass must be placed at the middle of the longest span.
- If a 3.2 mm diameter wire is used, the deflection figures for a 3.0 mm wire are applied.
- This table may also be used for a set of non-continuous (single) vertical wires forming a barrier using the appropriate clear distance between posts as the vertical clear distance between the rails. The deflection (offset) is measured by hooking a standard spring scale to the mid span of each wire and pulling it horizontally until a force of 19.6 N is applied.
- X = not allowed because the required tension would exceed the safe load of the wire.
- This table has been limited to 60 mm and 80 mm spaces for 2.5 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm diameter wires because the required wire tensions at greater spacings would require the tension to be beyond the wire safe load limit, or the allowed deflection would be impractical to measure.
Explanatory information:
- For the purpose of, a wire barrier consists of a series of tensioned wire rope connected to either vertical or horizontal supports serving as a guard to reduce the risk of a person falling from a roof, stairway, raised floor level or the like.
- To assist in the application of, the following terms are explained:
- Continuous - where the wire spans three or more supports.
- Non-continuous - where the wire only spans between two supports.
- Pulley block - a device consisting of a wheel in which a wire runs around to change its direction.
- Permissible deflection - is the allowable bending of the wire.
- Support rails - are horizontal components of the barrier system that span across the top and bottom to provide structural support.
- Table and contains tension requirements for wires in vertical and horizontal wire barrier systems with varying post spacings, wire spacings and wire types, whereas Table contains deflection requirements for use in horizontal and vertical barrier systems. The figures contained in the tables were derived from testing the spacing combinations in order to prevent the passage of a 125 mm diameter solid cone penetrating between the wires at a predetermined force.
- It is important to read the notes to the Tables as they provide additional information on their application to horizontal, vertical and near vertical wire barriers.
- Wire barriers deflect under loading conditions, even when tightly tensioned. This is particularly relevant over the service life of the barrier as the wire tends to lose its tension. Therefore, care needs to be taken to ensure that wire tension will be maintained during the life of the barrier. In some situations, it may be necessary to incorporate "lock-off" devices to prevent loosening of the wire. Likewise, if a threaded anchor bears against a soft wood post or rail, the anchor may indent the post or rail, thus loosening the wire.
- Temperature effects on the tension of the wire may be significant but there is little that can be done to allow for temperature variation in service. The shorter the wire span, the lesser the effect will be.
- Stainless steel wire with a lay of 1 x 19 has the greatest elastic modulus and will take up the same load with less extension than equivalent wires with other lays.
- A wire barrier excludes wire mesh fences and the like.
- Sharp ends of wires at terminations and swages need to be removed for the safety of children and other people. No wire end should protrude more than half the diameter of the wire from the swage or termination fitting.
- It should be noted that is only one form of compliance solution which can be used to demonstrate compliance with P2.5.2(f) and (g). The following means of verification are available:
- V2.5.1.
- The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in
- A Performance Solution that uses one of the other NCC Assessment Methods which verifies that P2.5.2(f) and (g) will be achieved. Protection of openable windows - bedrooms
A window opening in a bedroom must be provided with protection, where the floor below the window is 2 m or more above the surface beneath.
Where the lowest level of the window opening covered by (a) is less than 1.7 m above the floor, the window opening must comply with the following:
The openable portion of the window must be protected with—
a device capable of restricting the window opening; or
a screen with secure fittings.
A device or screen required by (i) must—
not permit a 125 mm sphere to pass through the window opening or screen; and
resist an outward horizontal action of 250 N against the—
window restrained by a device; or
screen protecting the opening; and
have a child resistant release mechanism if the screen or device is able to be removed, unlocked or overridden.
A barrier covered by (c) must not—
permit a 125 mm sphere to pass through it; and
have any horizontal or near horizontal elements between 150 mm and 760 mm above the floor that facilitate climbing (see Figure Protection of openable windows - rooms other than bedrooms
A window opening in a room other than a bedroom must be provided with protection where the floor below the window is 4 m or more above the surface beneath.
The openable part of the window covered by (a) must be protected with a barrier with a height of not less than 865 mm above the floor.
A barrier required by (b) must not—
permit a 125 mm sphere to pass through it; and
have any horizontal or near horizontal elements between 150 mm and 760 mm above the floor that facilitate climbing.
(See Figure
Explanatory information:
- Intent
The intent of and is to reduce the risk of a person (especially a young child) falling through an openable window.
Protection of openable windows - bedroomsWhere the floor level below an openable window in a bedroom is less than 2 m there are no specific requirements. For an openable window 2 m or more above the surface beneath, openable windows are required to restrict passage of a 125 mm sphere using any one of the following design solutions:
- The window be designed such that any opening does not allow a 125 mm sphere to pass through (e.g. louvres) and be capable of resisting a 250 N force when directed against the window.
- The window be fitted with a fixed or dynamic device that is capable of restricting the window opening so it does not allow a 125 mm sphere to pass through and is difficult for a young child to operate. The restricting device must be capable of resisting a 250 N force when directed against the window such as a casement window or in attempting to push a sliding window open. An internal screen with similar parameters may be installed.
- The window be fitted with an internal or external screen that does not allow a 125 mm sphere to pass through and which must resist a horizontal outward force of 250 N.
If the openable part of the window is at least 1.7 m above the floor, no further protection is required.
Restricting devicesWhere a device or screen is securely fixed in position (e.g. a screen pop riveted to the window frame) so it cannot be unlocked, overridden, or is very difficult to remove without for example a drill, the 865 mm barrier would not be required as the securing method is considered a fixture and not a child resistant release mechanism. relates to a screen or window restricting device protecting an openable window in a bedroom. The screen or opening restricting device may be installed in a manner that allows it to be removed, unlocked or overridden in the event of a fire or other emergency to allow safe egress. In these situations the unlocking device must be child resistant.
Child resistance could be achieved by the need to use a tool, key or two hands.
There are a number of hardware options available. Short chain winders and barrier screens will allow windows to comply with this requirement. Sliding window locks may lock a sash so a 125 mm sphere cannot pass through. Where provision is made to fully open the window beyond 125 mm then the child resistant release mechanism is required in addition to the device resisting a 250 N force as required by in addition prescribes that an 865 mm barrier (sill) would be required. A wall beneath an openable window or fixed glazing under the openable part of a window which meets the height requirements (e.g. transom at least 865 mm above the floor) can be considered as the barrier if the criteria in are met.
Protection of openable windows - rooms other than bedroomsA wall beneath an openable window or fixed glazing under the openable part of a window which meets the height requirements (e.g. transom at least 865 mm above the floor) can be considered as the barrier if the criteria in are met.
Use of the term 'window'The term "window" is not italicised in and and as such, is not restricted to the definition of "window" in the NCC. The reason for this is to also capture windows that may let in air but not light, e.g. metal louvres. A metal louvre or openable panel would not fit in the NCC definition of window but is subject to the window barrier provisions.