Part 3.4.0 Framing Explanation of terms
The following diagrams depict framing members and associated terminology used to describe them in the Housing Provisions.
In most cases the terminology is applicable for both steel and timber frame members. Structural software
Structural software used in computer aided design of a building or structure, that uses design criteria based on the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the Housing Provisions, including its referenced documents, for the design of steel or timber trussed roof and floor systems and framed building systems, must comply with the ABCB Protocol for Structural Software.
Structural software referred to in (a) can only be used for buildings within the following geometrical limits:
The distance from ground level to the underside of eaves must not exceed 6 m.
The distance from ground level to the highest point of the roof, neglecting chimneys, must not exceed 8.5 m.
The building width including roofed verandahs, excluding eaves, must not exceed 16 m.
The building length must not exceed five times the building width.
The roof pitch must not exceed 35 degrees.
The requirements of (a) do not apply to design software for individual frame members such as electronic tables similar to those provided in—
AS 1684; or
NASH Standard – Residential and Low-Rise Steel Framing, Part 2.
Explanatory information: does not apply where a software package simply eliminates manual calculations and the process of the package requires identical methodology as that undertaken manually e.g. AS 1684 span tables and bracing calculations.