NCC 2016 Volume One
Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c


Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c
Part F2 Sanitary and Other Facilities (Performance Requirements)

Part F2 Sanitary and Other Facilities (Performance Requirements)



Suitable sanitary facilities for personal hygiene must be provided in a convenient location within or associated with a building, to the degree necessary, appropriate to—


the function or use of the building; and


the number and gender of the occupants; and


the disability or other particular needs of the occupants.

recognises that the number, type and location of sanitary facilities are dependent on:

  • what the building is used for; and
  • the number, gender and particular needs of the occupants.


Laundering facilities or space for laundering facilities and the means for the sanitary disposal of waste water must be provided in a convenient location within or associated with a building appropriate to the function or use of the building.



only applies to—

  1. a Class 2 building or Class 4 part of a building; and
  2. a Class 9a health-care building; and
  3. a Class 9b early childhood centre; and
  4. a Class 9c building.

Health-care buildings, early-childhood centres, Class 2 and 9c buildings and Class 4 parts of a building must be provided with means to dispose of waste water and either:

  • laundry facilities; or
  • space for laundry facilities.

A building's function or use will determine the appropriate number and location of the laundry facilities or space, and the means to dispose of waste water.

For the purpose of FP2.2, waste water includes water that is soiled as a result of clothes washing, mopping floors, and other domestic cleaning processes.


A facility must be provided which includes—


a means for food rinsing, utensil washing and the sanitary disposal of associated waste water; and


a means for cooking food; and


a space for food preparation.



only applies to—

  1. a Class 2 building or Class 4 part of a building; and
  2. a Class 9a health-care building; and
  3. a Class 9b early childhood centre; and
  4. a Class 9c building.

Health-care buildings, early-childhood centres, Class 2 and 9c buildings and Class 4 parts of a building must be provided with adequate cooking facilities. This means:

  • washing facilities for both food and utensils used for the preparation and consumption of food, in conjunction with adequate waste water disposal;
  • a means of cooking food, which may be either fixed in place (such as a wall-mounted oven) or a removable appliance (such as a microwave unit); and
  • space to allow food to be prepared.


Suitable means must be provided in a building containing wards or bedrooms to facilitate the emptying of sewage or dirty water from containers.



only applies to a Class 9a or 9c building.

Class 9a and 9c buildings with wards or bedrooms must have facilities for emptying bedpans and the like, such as a slop hopper.


A sanitary compartment must be constructed with sufficient space or other means to permit an unconscious occupant to be removed from the compartment.

Sanitary compartments are to be large enough or have another suitable means that enables the removal of an unconscious occupant.



Hot water, warm water and cooling water systems installed in a building must control the accumulation of harmful levels of micro-organisms.



does not apply to a system serving only a single sole-occupancy unit in a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a building.

Buildings must have hot water, warm water and cooling water installations that minimise the risk of major disease outbreak caused by the harmful levels of micro-organisms.

This Performance Requirement does not apply to a system serving only a single sole-occupancy unit in a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a building.