SA Part G5 Construction in Bushfire Prone Areas
SA G5.1 Application of Part
The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of this Part apply to—
a Class 2 or 3 building; or
a Class 10a building or deck located within 6 m of an associated Class 2 or 3 building that is required to comply with this Part,
located in a designated bushfire prone area.
Delete G5.2 and insert SA G5.2
SA G5.2 Bushfire attack levels
Where a siteis located in a designated bushfire prone area, the bushfire attack level that applies to the site is—
for areas identified as General Bushfire Risk areas in South Australian Development Plans, the BAL — Low bushfire attack level; and
for areas identified as Medium Bushfire Risk areas in South Australian Development Plans, the BAL — 12.5 bushfire attack level; and
for areas identified as High Bushfire Risk areas in South Australian Development Plans, the bushfire attack level assessed for the in accordance with AS 3959; and
for Excluded Areas within 500 m of a High Bushfire Risk area, as identified in South Australian Development Plans, the BAL — Low bushfire attack level; and
for Excluded Areas within 100 m of a High Bushfire Risk area, as identified in South Australian Development Plans, the bushfire attack level assessed for the site in accordance with AS 3959.
Add SA G5.3 as follows:
SA G5.3 Construction requirements
A Class 2 or 3 building, or a Class 10a building or deck required to comply with this Part, must be constructed in accordance with SA Table G5.1 for the bushfire attack level for the .
A Class 10a building or deck is not required to comply with SA G5.3(a) if it is separated from a Class 2 or 3 building by—
for a Class 10a building or deck attached to or sharing a common roof space with a Class 2 or 3 building, a wall that extends from the footings or concrete slab to the underside of a non-combustible roof covering and complies with one of the following:
The wall has an FRL of not less than 60/60/60 for loadbearing walls, and -/60/60 for non-loadbearing walls when tested from the Class 10 side; or
The wall is of masonry, earth wall or masonry-veneer construction where the masonry leaf is not less than 90 mm in thickness.
for a Class 10a building or deck located below a Class 2 or 3 building, separating floor and/or wall construction that complies with one of the following:
The floor and/or wall has an FRL of not less than 60/60/60 for loadbearing construction, and -/60/60 for non-loadbearing construction when tested from the Class 10 side; or
Where part or all of the separating construction is a wall, the wall need not comply with (A) if it complies with SA G5.3(b)(i)(B).
for a Class 10a building or deck located within 6 m of a Class 2 or 3 building, comply with SA G5.3(b)(i).
Openings in separating construction referred to in SA G5.3(b)(i) and (ii) must comply with the following:
Doorways must be protected by -/60/30 self-closing fire doors.
Other openings (excluding control and construction joints, subfloor vents, weepholes and penetrations for pipes and conduits) must be protected by construction with an FRL of not less than -/60/-.
For the purposes of SA Table G5.1 bushfire-resisting timber is timber that is in solid, laminated or reconstituted form that meets the criteria specified in Appendix F of AS 3959.
Where any material, element of construction or system satisfies the test criteria of either AS 1530.8.1, for BAL — 12.5, BAL — 19, BAL — 29 and BAL — 40 and AS 1530.8.2 for BAL — FZ it satisfies the requirements of that BAL.
If any material, element of construction or system satisfies the test criteria without screening for ember protection, the requirements for screening of openable parts of windows must still apply.
Polycarbonate may be used as roof sheeting for Class 10a buildings located within 6 m of a Class 2 or 3 building for BAL – Low, BAL – 12.5, BAL – 19 and BAL – 29 sites.
1. BAL— Low |
A flooring system must comply with one or a combination of the following:
A flooring system complying with (c) or (d)(ii) or (iii) must have all of the joints in the external surface of walls covered, sealed, overlapped, backed or butt-jointed to prevent gaps greater than 3 mm. Alternatively, Sarking-type material can be applied over the frame prior to fixing any external sheeting. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
As per BAL — Low requirements of this table, with the following variation—
3. BAL — 19 |
As per BAL — Low requirements of this table, with the following variation—
4. BAL — 29 |
As per BAL — Low requirements of this table, with the following variation—
5. BAL — 40 |
A flooring system must comply with clause 8.3 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation—
6. BAL — FZ |
A flooring system must comply with clause 9.3 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation—
SUPPORTING POSTS, COLUMNS, STUMPS, PIERS AND POLES (except in subfloor spaces enclosed by aluminium mesh or aluminium perforated sheet as described in FLOORING SYSTEMS 1 BAL Low (d)) |
1. BAL — Low |
Supporting posts, columns, stumps piers and poles must comply with one or a combination of the following:
2. BAL — 12.5 |
As per BAL — Low requirements in this table. |
3. BAL — 19 |
As per BAL — Low requirements in this table. |
4. BAL — 29 |
Supporting posts, columns, stumps, piers and poles must comply with clause 7.2 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959. |
5. BAL — 40 |
Supporting posts, columns, stumps, piers and poles must comply with clause 8.2 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959. |
6. BAL — FZ |
Supporting posts, columns, stumps, piers and poles must comply with clause 9.2 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959. |
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
The exposed components of external walls must comply with one or a combination of the following:
3. BAL — 19 |
The exposed components of external walls must comply with one or a combination of the following:
4. BAL — 29 |
The exposed components of external walls must comply with clauses 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959 and any sarking-type material must have a Flammability Index of not more than 5. |
5. BAL — 40 |
The exposed components of external walls must comply with clauses 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959 and any sarking-type material must have a Flammability Index of not more than 5. |
6. BAL — FZ |
The exposed components of external walls must comply with clauses 9.4.1 and 9.4.2 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959 and any sarking-type material must have a Flammability Index of not more than 5. |
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Window assemblies, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 5.5.1, 5.5.1A and 5.5.2 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959. |
3. BAL — 19 |
Window assemblies, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 6.5.1, 6.5.1A and 6.5.2 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
4. BAL — 29 |
Window assemblies, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 7.5.1, 7.5.1A and 7.5.2(a) or (b)(i), (ii), (iii) and (v) of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
5. BAL — 40 |
Window assemblies, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 8.5.1, 8.5.1A and 8.5.2 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959. |
6. BAL — FZ |
Window assemblies, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 9.5.1, 9.5.1A and 9.5.2 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959. |
EXTERNAL (including side-hung external doors such as French doors, panel fold and bi-fold doors, sliding doors and garage doors) |
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Doors and door frames, and shutters and screens, where fitted must comply with clauses 5.5.1, 5.5.1A and 5.5.3, 5.5.4 and 5.5.5 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959. |
3. BAL — 19 |
Doors and door frames, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 6.5.1, 6.5.1A and 6.5.3, 6.5.4 and 6.5.5 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959, with the following variation:
4. BAL — 29 |
Doors and door frames, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 7.5.1, 7.5.1A and 7.5.3(a) or (b) or (c)(i)(A), (C) or (D), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii), 7.5.4 and 7.5.5 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959, with the following variations:
5. BAL — 40 |
Doors and door frames, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 8.5.1, 8.5.1A and 8.5.3(a) or (b)(i)(A), (ii), (iii), (v), (vii) and (viii), 8.5.4 and 8.5.5 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959. |
6. BAL — FZ |
Doors and door frames, and shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 9.5.1, 9.5.1A and 9.5.3, 9.5.4 and 9.5.5 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959. |
VENTS AND WEEPHOLES (including vents and weepholes located in esternal walls and subfloor spaces) |
1. BAL — Low |
Vents to subfloor spaces and weepholes must be fitted with ember guards made from corrosion-resistant steel, bronze or aluminium mesh or perforated sheet with a maximum aperture size of 2 mm. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
As per the BAL — Low requirements of this table. |
3. BAL — 19 |
As per the BAL — Low requirements of this table with the following variation:
4. BAL — 29 |
As per the BAL — 19 requirements of this table. |
5. BAL — 40 |
As per the BAL — 19 requirements of this table. |
6. BAL — FZ |
As per the BAL — 19 requirements of this table. |
ROOFS (including verandahs and attached carport roofs, eaves linings, fascias, gables) |
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Roofs must comply with clauses 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.6.4 and 5.6.6 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
3. BAL — 19 |
Roofs must comply with clauses 6.6.1, 6.6.2, 6.6.3, 6.6.4 and 6.6.6 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
4. BAL — 29 |
Roofs must comply with clauses 7.6.1, 7.6.2, 7.6.3, 7.6.4 and 7.6.6 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
5. BAL — 40 |
Roofs must comply with clauses 8.6.1, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.4 and 8.6.6 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
6. BAL — FZ |
Roofs must comply with clauses 9.6.1, 9.6.2, 9.6.3 and 9.6.4 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
ROOF LIGHTS (including vented Roof lights and skylights) |
1. BAL — Low |
No Requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Roof lights must comply with clause 5.6.5 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
3. BAL — 19 |
Roof lights must comply with clause 6.6.5 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
4. BAL — 29 |
Roof lights must comply with clause 7.6.5 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
5. BAL — 40 |
Roof lights must comply with clause 8.6.5 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
6. BAL — FZ |
Roof lights must comply with clause 9.6.3 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959. |
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Evaporative coolers must comply with clause 5.6.5 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
3. BAL — 19 |
Evaporative coolers must comply with clause 6.6.5 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
4. BAL — 29 |
Evaporative coolers must comply with clause 7.6.5 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
5. BAL — 40 |
Evaporative coolers must not be installed where the site has been classified as BAL — 40. |
6. BAL — FZ |
Evaporative coolers must not be installed where the site has been classified as BAL — FZ. |
OTHER ROOF PENETRATIONS (including roof ventilators, aerials, vent pipes and supports for solar collectors) |
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Roof penetrations must comply with clause 5.6.5 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
3. BAL — 19 |
Roof penetrations must comply with clause 6.6.5 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
4. BAL — 29 |
Roof penetrations must comply with clause 7.6.5 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
5. BAL — 40 |
Roof penetrations must comply with clause 8.6.5 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
6. BAL — FZ |
Roof penetrations must comply with clause 9.6.3 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Gutters and downpipes must comply with clause 5.6.7 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959. |
3. BAL — 19 |
Gutters and downpipes must comply with clause 6.6.7 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959. |
4. BAL — 29 |
Gutters and downpipes must comply with clause 7.6.7 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959. |
5. BAL — 40 |
Gutters and downpipes must comply with clause 8.6.7 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959. |
6. BAL — FZ |
Gutters and downpipes must comply with clause 9.6.5 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959. |
1. BAL — Low |
No requirements. |
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Water and gas supply pipes must comply with clause 5.8 of the BAL — 12.5 requirements of AS 3959. |
3. BAL — 19 |
Water and gas supply pipes must comply with clause 6.8 of the BAL — 19 requirements of AS 3959. |
4. BAL — 29 |
Water and gas supply pipes must comply with clause 7.8 of the BAL — 29 requirements of AS 3959. |
5. BAL — 40 |
Water and gas supply pipes must comply with clause 8.8 of the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959. |
6. BAL — FZ |
Water and gas supply pipes must comply with clause 9.8 of the BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959. |
VERANDAHS , DECKS, STEPS, RAMPS AND LANDINGS (including balustrades, handrails or other barriers) |
1. BAL — Low |
Verandahs, decks, steps and trafficable surfaces of ramps and landings must comply with one or a combination of the following:
2. BAL — 12.5 |
Verandahs, decks, steps and trafficable surfaces of ramps and landings must comply with the BAL — Low requirements of this table with the following variations:
3. BAL — 19 |
Verandahs, decks, steps and trafficable surfaces of ramps and landings must comply with the BAL — Low requirements of this table with the following variations:
4. BAL — 29 |
Verandahs, decks, steps and trafficable surfaces of ramps and landings must comply with the BAL — Low requirements of this table with the following variations:
5. BAL — 40 |
Verandahs, decks, steps and trafficable surfaces of ramps and landings must comply with the BAL — 40 requirements of AS 3959 with the following variation:
6. BAL — FZ |
Verandahs, decks, steps and trafficable surfaces of ramps and landings must comply with BAL — FZ requirements of AS 3959 with the following variations:
Add SA Part G7 as follows: