Section G Ancillary Provisions
Part G1 Minor Structures and Components
SA GP1.2
In order to safeguard young children from drowning or injury in a swimming pool, a barrier must be provided to a swimming pool and must—
be continuous for the full extent of the hazard; and
be of a strength and rigidity to withstand the foreseeable impact of people; and
restrict the access of young children to the pool and the immediate pool surrounds; and
have any gates and doors fitted with latching devices not readily operated by young children, and constructed to automatically close and latch.
In order to safeguard people from drowning or injury due to suction by a swimming pool water recirculation system, a swimming pool water recirculation system must incorporate safety measures to avoid entrapment of, or injury to, a person.
SA GP1.2(a) and (b) only apply to a swimming pool associated with a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a building, with a depth of water more than 300 mm.
Delete G1.1(b) and add SA G1.1(b) as follows:
SA G1.1 Swimming pools
A swimming pool associated with a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a building, with a depth of water more than 300 mm, must have suitable barriers to restrict access by young children to the immediate pool surrounds in accordance with AS 1926 Parts 1 and 2.
This requirement also applies to any habitable room or a building with a habitable room within the pool area.
If a building or structure could allow access by young children from outside the pool area to inside the pool area, a barrier must be installed in accordance with AS 1926 Parts 1 and 2 to restrict access from the building or structure to the pool area.
Add SA G1.1(d) as follows:
For the purpose of clause 6.1.1 of AS 1926.3, a skimmer box is an outlet, and must have a means of releasing the vacuum pressure should the suction become blocked.