NCC 2022 Volume Two - Building Code of Australia Class 1 and 10 buildings
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  • Australian Capital Territory
  • New South Wales
  • Northern Territory
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  • Western Australia
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  • Australian Capital Territory
  • New South Wales
  • Northern Territory
  • Queensland
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Victoria
  • Western Australia
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  • Climate Zone 8
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Part A4 Referenced documents

Part A4 Referenced documents

Introduction to this Part

This Part explains how documents referenced in the NCC are adopted and applied. The NCC itself does not contain details of every design and construction requirement for a building or plumbing or drainage system. As such, the NCC calls upon or “references” other documents with this information. These are called NCC referenced documents. Examples of such documents are Australian Standards, ABCB protocols, ABCB standards and other publications.

There are multiple types of referenced documents. A primary referenced document is one referenced in Schedule 2 of the NCC. A secondary referenced document is one referenced in a primary referenced document. Other referenced documents are referenced by secondary and subsequently referenced documents.

Governing Requirements

2019: A4.0

State variations

2019: A4.1
2019: A4.2

Explanatory information

Schedule 2 is only mandatory to Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions, Specifications and Verification Methods. However, referenced documents are only applicable to the NCC provision that references the document.

A proponent undertaking a Performance Solution can use any element or edition of any document, if they help satisfy the Performance Requirements. They do not need to use the documents listed in Schedule 2.

Schedule 2 lists the specific edition of the Standard or other document adopted, including any amendments considered appropriate for Schedule 2, the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions, Specifications or Verification Methods. Other editions of (or amendments to) the referenced document are not adopted and have no standing under the NCC.

A primary referenced document may refer to a secondary referenced document. A4G1(5) stipulates that the secondary referenced document is the edition of the document that existed at the time of publication of the primary referenced document. When another edition of (or amendment to) a secondary referenced document is released, subject to the exemption to A4G1, that edition (or amendment) is not adopted for the purposes of the primary referenced document.

A4G3 means that contractual matters or clauses defining responsibilities of various parties, and matters not appropriate for adoption in the NCC are not included when a document is called up in the NCC.