NCC 2019 Volume Three
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Section D Excessive noise
Delete DP1.1 and insert Vic DP1.1 as follows:
Water services must provide water to fixtures and appliances in a manner that does not create undue noise.
Sanitary plumbing and drainage systems must convey sewage or sullage to a sanitary drainage system or an approved disposal system in a manner that does not create undue noise.
The required sound insulation of a floor or wall must not be compromised by the incorporation or penetration of a plumbing or drainage system.
Delete DP1.2 and insert Vic DP1.2 as follows:
This clause has deliberately been left blank.
Delete D1.1 and insert Vic D1.1 as follows:
Performance RequirementVic DP1.1 is satisfied by complying with D1.2 and D1.3.