List of Amendments - NCC 2019 - Volume Three
This set of notes has been prepared by the Australian Building Codes Board to assist NCC users in identifying changes incorporated in the 2019 edition of Volume Three of the NCC.
The notes provide a description of major technical changes made from the previous edition of Volume Three.
While the Australian Building Codes Board has attempted to include all major changes made from the previous edition of Volume Three, the Board does not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the contents of this list of amendments.
Changes and Commentary
The content and layout of Volume Three has been revised as part of the initiative to improve the readability of the NCC.
The structure of tables has been revised to improve accessibility in accordance with obligations of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
References to AS/NZS 3500.5, which has been withdrawn, have been removed.
Changes and Commentary
Introduction to the NCC
The introduction to the NCC has been revised as a part of the initiative to improve the readability of the NCC.
Changes and Commentary
Section A
The General Provisions have been replaced with Section A, the Governing Requirements of the NCC, as part of the initiative to improve the readability of the NCC.
Part A5
The content relating to materials and products, previously covered in each Part, has been consolidated into Part A5 to avoid duplication.
Changes and Commentary
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to the contamination of drinking water, previously located in BP1.2, has been relocated to Part B5 Cross-connection control and operates in addition to Part B1.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to "undue noise", previously located in BP1.2, has been relocated to Part D1 Excessive noise and operates in addition to Part B1.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to people with disability, previously located in BP1.3, has been relocated to Part E1 Facilities and operates in addition to Part B1.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to materials and products, previously located in BP1.4, has been deleted, removing duplicate requirements now covered by Part A5.
Verification Methods
The Verification Method, previously located in BV1, has been deleted, removing duplicate assessment methods now covered by Part A2.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision relating to accessible fixtures and fittings, previously located in B1.3, has been relocated to Part E1 Facilities and operates in addition to Part B1.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision relating to cross-connection control, previously located in B1.4, has been relocated to Part B5 Cross-connection control and operates in addition to Part B1.
Explanatory information: Cross-volume considerations
Amended to reflect changes to NCC Volume Two.
Changes and Commentary
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to contamination of drinking water, previously located in BP2.3, has been relocated to Part B5 Cross-connection control and operates in addition to Part B2.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to "undue noise", previously located in BP2.3, has been relocated to Part D1 Excessive noise and operates in addition to Part B2.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to people with disability, previously located in BP2.6, has been relocated to Part E1 Facilities and operates in addition to Part B2.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to materials and products, previously located in BP2.7, has been deleted, removing duplicate requirements now covered by Part A5.
Verification Methods
The Verification Method, previously located in BV2.1, has been deleted, removing duplicate assessment methods now covered by Part A2.
A new Verification Method, BV2.2, has been inserted as a means to verify compliance with BP2.5.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision relating to accessible fixtures and fittings, previously located in B2.3, has been relocated to Part E1 Facilities and operates in addition to Part B2.
A new Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision has been inserted for maximum heated water delivery temperatures to sanitary fixtures, to alleviate a potential conflict within the referenced documents.
A new Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision has been inserted for temperature control devices to provide additional methods to achieve heated water delivery at 45°C and 50°C.
A partially prescriptive provision, previously located in BP2.4, has been amended and relocated to the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.
A new provision has been inserted covering legionella control for water heaters.
Explanatory information: Cross-volume considerations
Amended to include pool and spa heating and pumping – energy efficiency requirements in Part J7 of NCC Volume One and Part 3.12.5 of NCC Volume Two.
Changes and Commentary
Amended to remove reference to the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision, previously located in B3.3 and to harmonise compliance with the NCC.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to contamination of drinking water, previously located in BP3.3, has been relocated to Part B5 Cross-connection control and operates in addition to Part B3.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to "undue noise", previously located in BP3.3, has been relocated to Part D1 Excessive noise and operates in addition to Part B3.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to people with disability, previously located in BP3.4, has been relocated to Part E1 Facilities and operates in addition to Part B3.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to materials and products, previously located in BP3.5, has been deleted, removing duplicate requirements now covered by Part A5.
Verification Methods
The Verification Method, previously located in BV2.1, has been deleted, removing duplicate assessment methods now covered by Part A2.
The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision, previously located in B3.3 has been amended to clarify where a non-drinking water service must not be connected.
Explanatory information: Cross-volume considerations
The cross-volume explanatory information has been amended to reflect changes to NCC Volume Two.
Changes and Commentary
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to contamination of drinking water, previously located in BP4.1, has been relocated to Part B5 Cross-connection control and operates in addition to Part B4.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to materials and products, previously located in BP4.2, has been deleted, removing duplicate requirements now covered by Part A5.
Verification Methods
The Verification Method, previously located in BV4, has been deleted, removing duplicate assessment methods now covered by Part A2.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions referencing Australian Standards, with the exception of AS/NZS 3500.1, previously located in B4.2, have been deleted, harmonising the requirements relating to fire suppression systems within the NCC.
New referenced documents, FPAA101H and FPAA101D, for the installation of a fire-fighting water service, have been inserted.
Changes and Commentary
Part B5
A new Part, including a new Specification B5.1, has been inserted to consolidate the provisions relating to cross-connection control and operates in addition to Parts B1, B2, B3, B4 and B6.
Changes and Commentary
Part B6
A new Part has been inserted to consolidate the provisions relating to rainwater harvesting and use and operates in addition to Parts B1, B2, B3 and B4.
Changes and Commentary
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to undue noise, previously located in BP3.3, has been relocated to Part D1 Excessive noise and operates in addition to Part C1.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to people with disability, previously located in BP3.4, has been relocated to Part E1 Facilities and operates in addition to Part C1.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to materials and products, previously located in BP3.5, has been deleted, removing duplicate requirements now covered by Part A5.
A new provision has been inserted to satisfy the Performance Requirement CP1.1(2)(b) and harmonise the requirements of AS/NZS 3500.2 in a sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage system.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions previously located in C1.3, relating to accessible fixtures and fittings, have been relocated to Part E1 Facilities and operate in addition to Part C1.
Changes and Commentary
Explanatory information
Amended to include swimming pools and harmonise the Objectives and Functional Statements within the NCC.
Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirement relating to materials and products, previously located in CP2.3, has been deleted, removing duplicate requirements now covered by Part A5.
A new provision relating to discharge from a swimming pool has been inserted to harmonise the provisions within the NCC.
Verification Methods
The Verification Method, previously located in CV2, has been deleted, removing duplicate assessment methods now covered by Part A2.
CV2.1, CV2.2
New Verification Methods have been inserted as a means to verify compliance of a sanitary drainage system.
A new provision has been inserted to satisfy the Performance Requirement CP2.1(2)(c) and harmonise the requirements of AS/NZS 3500.2 in a sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage system.
A new provision relating to discharge from a swimming pool has been inserted to satisfy Performance Requirement CP2.2 and harmonise the provisions within the NCC.
Changes and Commentary
Part D1—Roof drainage systems, that existed in PCA 2016, has been removed from the national provisions and inserted in the relevant State and Territory appendices.
Part D1
A new Part has been inserted to consolidate and harmonise provisions, throughout the NCC, relating to noise within a plumbing or drainage system and operate in addition to Parts B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C1 and C2.
Changes and Commentary
Part D2—Surface and subsurface drainage systems, that existed in PCA 2016, has been removed from the national provisions and inserted in the relevant State and Territory appendices.
Changes and Commentary
Part E1 - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, that existed in PCA 2016, has been removed from the national provisions and inserted in the relevant State and Territory appendices.
Part E1
A new Part has been inserted to consolidate provisions relating to a plumbing system for people with disability and operates in addition to Parts B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C1 and C2.
Changes and Commentary
Part F1 - On-site wastewater management systems, that existed in PCA 2016, has been removed from the national provisions and inserted in the relevant State and Territory appendices.
Changes and Commentary
Part F2 - On-site liquid trade waste systems, that existed in PCA 2016, has been removed from the national provisions and inserted in the relevant State and Territory appendices.
Changes and Commentary
Schedule 2
Abbreviations and symbols used in the PCA have been included in Schedule 2 as a part of the initiative to improve the readability of the NCC.
Changes and Commentary
Schedule 3
The definitions, previously contained in Part A1, have been relocated to Schedule 3 as part of the initiative to improve the readability of the NCC. Schedule 3 includes all defined terms used throughout all volumes of the NCC.
Aged care building
A defined term has been adopted from the harmonised defined terms, to identify the assisted living conditions in a Class 9c building for heated water provisions in Part B2.
Backflow prevention device
A new defined term has been inserted to identify the devices and design requirements that prevent the unplanned reversal of fluid, for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
A new defined term has been inserted to outline a situation that affects a sanitary drainage system, for sanitary drainage provisions in Part C2.
A new defined term has been inserted to assign a level of risk to a known risk source, for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
Containment protection
A new defined term has been inserted to identify the level of protection required for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
A new defined term has been inserted to identify the likely causes of change to water conditions, for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
A new defined term has been inserted to identify how the likely causes of change to water conditions occur, for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
Hazard rating
A new defined term has been inserted to assign a risk score for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
High hazard
A new defined term has been inserted to assign a level of risk for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
Individual protection
A new defined term has been inserted to identify the level of protection required for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
Medium hazard
A new defined term has been inserted to assign a level of risk for cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
Rainwater harvesting system
A new defined term has been inserted to identify the system boundary of a rainwater harvesting system.
Separating wall
A defined term has been adopted from the harmonised defined terms, to provide clarity in applying excessive noise provisions in adjoining Class 1 buildings.
A defined term has been adopted from the harmonised defined terms, to group plumbing and drainage systems within a specified boundary.
Sole-occupancy unit
A defined term has been adopted from the harmonised defined terms, to set out the applicable conditions required for excessive noise provisions in Part D1.
Swimming pool
A defined term has been adopted from the harmonised defined terms, to provide clarity to the introduced provisions relating to swimming pool drainage in Part C2.
Uncontrolled discharge
A new defined term has been inserted to cover any unintentional release of fluid from a plumbing or drainage system.
Zone protection
A new defined term has been inserted to identify the level of protection required for the cross-connection control provisions in Part B5.
Changes and Commentary
AS/NZS 1200
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 1271
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 1324.1
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 1345
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 1358
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 1428.1
Amendment 2 to the 2009 edition of AS/NZS 1428.1—Design for access and mobility - General requirements for access – New building work, has been referenced.
AS/NZS 1546.1
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 1546.2
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 1546.3
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 1547
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 1571
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 1668.1
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 1668.2
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 2118.1
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within Volume Three.
AS/NZS 3500.1
The 2018 edition of AS/NZS 3500.1—Plumbing and Drainage - Water services, has been referenced.
AS/NZS 3500.2
The 2018 edition of AS/NZS 3500.2—Plumbing and Drainage - Sanitary plumbing and drainage, has been referenced.
AS/NZS 3500.3
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 3500.4
The 2018 edition of AS/NZS 3500.4—Plumbing and Drainage - Heated water services, has been referenced.
AS/NZS 3500.5
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 3666.1
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 3666.2
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS/NZS 4020
The 2018 edition of AS/NZS 4020—Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water, has been referenced.
AS 4041
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 4254.1
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 4254.2
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 4426
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 4508
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
AS 5601
Deleted from Schedule because this standard is no longer referenced within the national provisions.
The 2018 edition of FPAA101D Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Design and Installation— Drinking Water Supply has been referenced.
The 2018 edition of FPAA101H Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Design and Installation—Hydrant Water Supply has been referenced..