Part G1 Certification and Authorisation
The provisions of Part G1, which existed in the 2015 edition, have been relocated to the WaterMark Certification Scheme set out on the ABCB website at, subject to the transitional provisions at A2.0. The reference to Part G1 has been retained to avoid changing the current numbering from that of the 2015 edition, and to provide an explanation of the WaterMark Certification Scheme and its relationship to the NCC.
Explanatory information
What is WaterMark?
The WaterMark Certification Scheme is a mandatory certification scheme for plumbing and drainageproducts to ensure that plumbing and drainage materials and products are fit for purpose and appropriately authorised for use in plumbing installations.
The NCC requires certain plumbing and drainage materials and products to be certified and authorised for use in a plumbing or drainage installation. These materials and products are to be certified through the WaterMark Certification Scheme and listed on the WaterMark Product Database.
The WaterMark Certification Scheme is governed by a series of documents (the Scheme Rules) that outline the requirements for evaluation and certification, risk assessment and the drafting of a WaterMark Technical Specification.
In order to achieve WaterMark Certification, the subject material or product needs to—
- be tested by a Registered Testing Authority;
- comply with an approved specification (either a relevant existing standard or an approved WaterMark Technical Specification);
- be manufactured in accordance with an approved Quality Assurance Program; and
- carry a warranty.
Materials and products complying fully with the applicable requirements of the WaterMark Certification Scheme are then eligible to be certified by a WaterMark Conformity Assessment Body (WMCAB) and listed on the WaterMark Product Database. Certified materials and products are identifiable by the WaterMark certification trade mark, shown below, which must be displayed on a material or product upon the granting of a WaterMark Licence.
WaterMark certification trade mark
Materials and products that require WaterMark certification
It is important to note that not all plumbing and drainage materials and products require WaterMark certification. All materials and products to be used in a plumbing and drainage installation require a risk evaluation. A comprehensive listing of predetermined materials and product types that require WaterMark certification is contained on the WaterMark Schedule of Products. Likewise, the WaterMark Schedule of Excluded Products lists predetermined materials and products that are not required to be certified under the WaterMark Certification Scheme.