Section B Water Services
Part B1 Cold Water Services
Qld B1.2 General requirements
The design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of cold water services must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.1 and the requirements of this Part.
* * * * *
Delete B1.5(a) and insert Qld B1.5(a) as follows:
Qld B1.5 Sanitary flushing
* * * * *
Part B2 Heated Water Services
Qld BP2.8 * * * * *
Blank clause
This clause has deliberately been left blank.
Delete BV2.2 and insert Qld BV2.2 as follows:
Qld BV2.2 * * * * *
Blank clause
This clause has deliberately been left blank.
Delete B2.2(a) and insert Qld B2.2(a) as follows:
Qld B2.2 General requirements
The design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of a heated water service must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.4 and the requirements of this Part.
Delete B2.4 and insert Qld B2.4 as follows:
Qld B2.4 * * * * *
Blank clause
This clause has deliberately been left blank.
Part B3 Non-Drinking Water Services
Qld B3.2 General requirements
The design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of a non-drinking water service must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.1 and the requirements of this Part.
After B3.2(c) insert Qld B3.201 as follows:
Qld B3.201 Combination wastewater testing parameter for advanced secondary and advanced secondary with nutrient reduction
Advanced secondary quality effluent must meet the following effluent compliance characteristics:
90% of the samples taken over the test period must have a BOD5 less than or equal to 10 g/m3 with no sample greater than 20 g/m3.
90% of the samples taken over the test period must have total suspended solids less than or equal to 10 g/m3 with no sample greater than 20 g/m3.
Where disinfection is provided 90% of the samples taken over the test period must have a thermotolerant coliform count (determined by either the most probable number or membrane filter technique) not exceeding 10 organisms per 100 mL with no sample exceeding 200 organisms per 100 mL.
Where chlorination is the disinfection process, the total chlorine concentration must be greater than or equal to 0.5 g/m3 and less than 2.0 g/m3 in four out of five samples taken.
Where the manufacturer has included nitrogen and/or phosphorus reduction in the treatment process, the effluent compliance criteria must be able to meet in addition to the above the following nutrient criteria:
90% of the samples, with 95% confidence limits taken over the test period shall have a total nitrogen concentration less than or equal to 10 mg/L.
90% of the samples, with 95% confidence limits taken over the test period shall have a total phosphorus concentration less than or equal to 5 mg/L.
If the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations do not meet the criteria nominated in (e) above, the manufacturer can request that recognition be given to the actual nitrogen and/or phosphorus concentration determined in the above evaluation by the Department of Infrastructure and Planning.
After Qld B3.201 insert Qld B3.202 as follows:
Qld B3.202 Irrigation
For lots which have a Class 1 or Class 2 building, in areas serviced by a water service provider, outdoor irrigation systems must comply with the guideline published by the former Queensland Water Commission for an efficient irrigation system - ‘Efficient Irrigation for Water Conservation’ when—
connected to a water service; or
connected to a rainwater tank where the rainwater tank has a continuity of supply from a water service through either—
a trickle top-up system; or
an automatic switching device where the offtake is located downstream of the automatic switching device.
After B3.3(i) insert Qld B3.3(j), (k) and (l) as follows:
Qld B3.3 Distribution of non-drinking water
manual bucketing of greywater for garden irrigation; and
connection of flexible hose to laundry for garden irrigation; and
use of certified greywater diversion devices (with Local Government approval).
Part B4 Fire-Fighting Water Services
Part B4 does not apply in Queensland. Fire-fighting water services are required under the Queensland Building Act 1975.