There are clearer provisions regarding fire performance of building elements in NCC 2022.

Non-combustible building elements

Volume One has new and expanded provisions for fire performance of building elements.

We made these changes based off stakeholder feedback, which helped us understand what practitioners were finding challenging or confusing about the provisions.

This also gave us the opportunity to incorporate more practical concessions, whilst still maintaining building safety.

The main changes are in C2D10 (2019: C1.9) and we’ve summarised some below. Open up NCC 2022 to see all the changes and their effect.

What’s changed?

There are additional concessions for minor, combustible building elements of Type A or B construction. Some examples include:

  • Thermal breaks for external wall systems.
  • Compressible fillers and backing materials.
  • Packers and fixings.
  • Some external waterproofing treatments.
  • Joint trims and joint reinforcing tape.
  • Some weather sealing materials within and between concrete elements.
  • Masonry wall components complying with AS 2699 Part 1 and Part 3.
  • Reinforcing bars encased in concrete or grout.
  • Paints and coatings.
  • Adhesives, including tapes, associated with stiffeners for cladding systems.
  • Fire-protective materials for penetrations.

Concessions have also been included for certain materials including concrete, steel, masonry, aluminum and others; these can be used wherever a non-combustible material is required.

NCC 2022 also contains a couple of other important changes regarding fire performance of external walls. These are found in C2D14 and C2D15.

C2D14 Ancillary elements (2019: C1.14)

The clause is reworded to provide clarity on which elements are subject to the provision.

Further concessions are also added to allow additional elements, though combustible, to be used in an external wall of a Type A or Type B building. These include:

  • Collars, sleeves and insulation associated with service installations.
  • Screens applied to vents, weepholes and gaps complying with AS 3959.
  • Wiper and brush seals associated with doors, windows or other openings.

C2D15 Fixing of bonded laminate cladding panels (new)

In Type A or B construction, these panels, when located externally, must have all layers mechanically fixed to the supporting frame. This new provision is designed for certain bonded laminate cladding panels, and therefore does not apply to:

  • a laminated glass system 
  • layered plasterboard product
  • perforated gypsum lath with a normal paper finish
  • fibrous-plaster sheet
  • fibre-reinforced cement sheeting
  • a component of a garage door.

This summary gives you a good insight into some of the changes. However, you should check the NCC for the specific provision details.